Daily WOD – Jul 17, 2017

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 8 front squats (75% 1 rep max)
  • 400m run

WOD Notes:  The front squat weight for this workout should be such that you can complete every round unbroken but it should be excruciating through round 2 and 3.  Run fast!

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Pat B!


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Nikki k

    Happy birthday Pat!

  2. Robbie

    Happy birthday, Pat!

  3. Erik

    Happy Birthday Pat. Have a great day!

  4. Sarge


    Rocco 9:00 (165)
    Ray 🙂
    Sara 11:27 (40)
    Elissa 7:33 (115)
    Rob 10:34
    Erik 10:06 (BS 165)

  5. Nikki

    Frank N. 7:50 (130)
    Chris M. 10:20 (165)
    Marissa W. 9:50 (45×16)
    Craig 8:49 (30 cal bike, 165)
    Emma 10:10 (75)
    Nikki K. 9:20 (85)
    Brianna 11:06 (85)
    Danielle 8:46 (85)
    Curti 9:12 (115)
    Jenn 10:35 (150)

    KtS 7:53 (115)
    Kyle 9:35 (115d)
    Dan E. 10:01 (225)
    Robert G> 10:10 (150)

    Pat b. 9:30 (185)
    Jimbo 10:20 (205)
    Quinn 9:23 (165)
    Luke 8:12 (95)
    Luke L. 7:57 (125)
    Megan S. 12:00 (85)
    Vanessa 12:35 (65)
    Tiffany 11:32 (200m +8 squats)
    Joel 13:57 (185)
    Gavin 8:42 (120)
    Kerri 11:34 (90)
    John 8:58 (255)

    10:18 (30 cal, 110)
    Mel 8:54 (105)
    Mike C> 8:28 (185)
    Duris 7:23 (195)
    Shawn C 8:50 (115)
    Tav 10:01 (205)
    Jen C. 8:50 (75)
    Catherine 7:36 (75)
    Drake 7:35 (145)
    John C. 8:28 (115)
    Caine 12:33 (185)
    Mark C. 9:40 (95)
    Bre 🙂
    Paul 8:09 (115)
    Vicki 8:25 (165R)

    Sabol 9:53 (185)
    Boelker 11:01 (225)
    Bob K. 9:18 (155)
    Kristen K. 10:44 (55)
    Derek E. 8:47 (145 R)
    Erin 9:30 (125)
    Kenny 10:00 (135)
    Tim C. 8:44 (125)
    Dave W> 11:02 (75 BS to 20″, 400m row)
    Joe B> 8:45 (125)

    Ryan I. 12:20 (240)
    Karen 10:56 (95)
    Boelker 11:01 (30 BFB, 185)
    Sarge :0)
    Smith 9:18 (175)
    Kerry 10:38 (30R)
    KtM 12:14 (45)
    Andrew 11:05 (140)
    Ray Z. 10:35 (175)
    Missy 7:28 (95R)
    Stuart 9:00 (80FSx10, to 20″)
    Fili 12:40 (185)
    Sigal 10:44 (155)
    Derek 10:18 (115)
    Tobin 10:24 (100)
    Dave W> 10:45 (140)
    Janet 12:10 (105 R)

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