Daily WOD – Jul 14, 2017

Welcome Luke!
Welcome Luke!

Complete 3 rounds, each for time of:

  • calorie row (40/30)
  • 10 hang cleans (155/105#)
  • 70 double unders

WOD Notes:  This is designed to be some very high speed interval work.  The row should be an all out effort, immediately into 10 unbroken hang cleans (with a full squat), immediately into 70 unbroken double unders.  You will start a new round every 9 minutes.  Each round should be capped at 6 minutes so that you are guaranteed at least 3 minutes rest.  No more than 2:30 should be dedicated to the row in any one round so that large classes can still move through in 3 heats.

Reminder:  There will be no noon or 6:00 pm class today.  The regular schedule will resume Saturday.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Ryan I. (Coach Iggy)

    Murray – 3:32 / 3:32 / 3:52 (PC, 2xSu)
    Curtis W – 7:55 / 7:33 / 8:33 (95)
    Danielle – 75 🙂
    Elissa – 20cal AB, PC 🙂
    Frank W. 5:10 (135, 2xSU)
    Jenn T – Rx 🙂
    Marrisa W – 45, 2xSu 🙂
    Nicole W – 5:52 / 6:03 / 6:21 (75, 2xSU)
    Rocco – 125 🙂
    Ed P. – 🙂
    Craig – 4:10 / 3:45 / 3:39 (135 PC, 2xSU)

    1. Kehl

      Craig…why are you faster?! …by 30sec! Haha, beast.

  2. Kehl

    Dave 3:49, 4:13, 4:36 Rx
    Pugh 4:21, 5:13 (30rkb, 20cal bike)
    Todd 4:52, 5:33, 6:29 (135)
    Mike C. 5:20, :-), 🙂
    Quinn 🙂
    Postek 5:31, :-), 🙂
    Erin 4:57, 5:27, 5:49 Rx
    Jess V. 4:38, 4:59, 5:14 (65#, 2xsu)
    Tara 4:04, 4:41, 4:53 Rx
    Mel 5:27, 5:45, 6:03 Rx
    Jen N. 🙂
    Christine 5:00, 5:38, 6:11 (65, 100su)
    Tiffany 🙂
    Luke 4:56, 6:16, 8:57 (75#pc, 140su)
    Kerri 5:22, 5:56, 6:19 (65, 2xsu)
    Janet 5:28, 5:52, 6:04 (95, 140su)
    Megan 126su, 80su, 140su (2xsu, 65)

  3. Kehl

    Kehl 4:04, 4:28, 4:23 (95)

  4. Boelker


    Dan 4:06, 5:04, 5:10 Rx
    Missy 4:21, 5:20, 5:23 (75, SU)
    Chris 😉 (135, SU)
    Nikki K. 4:36, 4:52, 5:00 (75, SU)
    Tom B. (75PC, SU)
    Pete P. (95PC, SU)
    Smith 5:05, ;)… (155×5)
    Amy 5:45, 5:37, 5:31 (55PC>C, SU)
    Robert 5:46, 6:12, 6:40 (115, SU)
    Ryan 4:20, 5:09, 5:26 Rx
    Karen 😉 (65)

  5. eQ

    Heather 4:20, 4:53, 5:00 (1/2 DU, 85)
    Drake 6:00, 5:45, 6:00 (50 DU, 135)
    John 5:30, 5:35, 6:00 (SU, 95)
    Shawn 4:55, 4:59, 6:00 (SU, 90)
    Duris 5:27, 5:48, 🙂 (135)
    Joe C. 🙂 (SU, 65)
    Tav 4:41, 6, 🙂 Rx
    Robbie 🙂
    Dani 🙂
    Caine 🙂
    Sarah B. 5:08, 5:34, 5:29 (95)
    Vanessa 🙂
    Chase 🙂

    Cindy 5:05, 5:10, 4:35 (SU, 45)
    Stuart 4:26, 4:47, 5:50 (SU, 75)
    Alexa 5:15, 5:56, 6 (85)
    Kristin 6:00, 6:00, 6:00 (SU, 45)
    Dave 5:55, 6:00, 6:00 (SU, 100)
    Tim 6:00, :), 6:00 (35 DU, 115)
    Ray 5:23, :), 🙂 (30 DU, 95)
    Michelle 6:00, 5:49, 6:00 (45)
    Katie 5:32, :), 🙂 (55)
    Derek 4:35, 5:00, 5:00 (SU, 95(
    Bob K 4:28, 5:26, 5:50 (D/S, 115)
    Fili 6:00, 6:00, 6:00 Rx
    Kerry 5:09, 5:20, 5:38 (SU, 95)
    Jim C 6:00, 5:44, 6:00 (70SU, 105)
    Emma 5:11, 5:34, 5:41 (65)

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