Daily WOD – Jan 31, 2017

Steve M. working through some pull ups!
Steve M. working through some pull ups!

Bench Press 1-1-1-1-1-1 (1 board)


2x max distance farmer carries

WOD Notes:  A board press slightly limits the range of motion on a bench press by placing a 2×4 on your chest as you lift blocking the bottom portion of the lift.  It usually results in a slight increase in the overall weight you can lift.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Nadine!


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Nikki k

    Happy birthday Nadine!

  2. Sarge

    Breakfast Club Results

    Chris 185
    Craig 220
    Faith 75
    Jenn 140
    Dan E 275
    Ryan 255
    Vinnie 150

    1. Craig

      The breakfast club has RX+ fun

  3. Dave


    Nik 147.5
    Janet 140
    Kerry 65
    Dani Reps
    Wyso 275
    Chase 255
    Derek 140
    Allen 180
    Danielle 90
    J-Rod 100
    Ray 145
    Dennis 195
    Filchner 175
    Andrew 200

  4. Nikki

    Paul 175
    Dave S. 205
    Patrick M. 175
    Jamie 220
    Pete 145x5x a lot
    Steve M. 245
    Mark G. 215
    Jon R. 215
    Pugh 240

    Luke 125
    John C. 195
    Pat B. 205
    DK 215
    Vicki 135
    Adrianna 130
    Heather 93
    Bri 73
    Duris 225
    Mike C. 255
    Jolene 60
    Betsy 85
    Shawn 145, 70
    Tom S. 195

    Patrick S. 225
    Kenny 185
    Tav 320
    Fili 305
    Ann 45×2
    Ceil 105 x3
    Bob K. 185
    Curtis 195
    Joe S. 210
    Caine 195
    Jeff 140
    Tim C. 160
    Frank 185
    Wes 205

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