AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
- 3 power cleans (135/95#)
- 6 push ups
- 9 air squats
Schedule Notes: Due to low attendance, the Friday noon class is being removed from the schedule. We apologize for any inconvenience!
Power Meet Notes: Heats for the power meet will be set in the next day or so. Anyone looking to take part in the Wilks division (accounts for bodyweight differences) can weigh in on Thursday or Friday. Get ready!
Community Notes: Happy Birthday Eilish!
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Came across this image, a neat throwback to our August 2011 schedule. We clearly had no idea what we were getting in to!
Tina 12+3 (75, E)
Alex D. 10 (45HPC)
Daria 12+1 (75, E)
Tanya 18+6 Rx
Moore 14 Rx
Megan 14+16 (55, E)
Joe 😉 (HPC)
Smith 😉 (HPC)
Weirich 19 (95)
Mitch 14+9 (95)
Katy 17+2 (75)
Shawn F. 20+13 Rx
Tim 17+2 (105)
Quinn 😉
Jeff 😉 (125)
Morgan 19+6 (75, E)
Dan T 16+3 (95)
Boelker 25+7 Rx
Missy 18 (85,16″)
Erin 17+9 Rx
Jimbo 20 Rx
Patrick Y 17 (95)
Ray Z 15+11 Rx
Sillup 21+1 Rx
Vinny 10 (HPC,65)
Elissa 17+8 Rx
Bob K 15 (115)
Blythe 15+1 (60, 20″)
Kyle K 14+1 (115)
Stephen K 14+9 Rx
Sydney 14+3 (16″,65)
Erik 15+5 (125)
Ian 16+3 (95)
Steve M. 24 Rx
Danielle 16+2 (75)
Murray 17+3 Rx
Matt B. 15+9 (115)
Anne Marie 15 or 16 (75#, BPU)
Zach 17+3 Rx
KtS 18+10 Rx
Faith 6+8 (12/7/12 cal bike, step up, squat all with vest)
Jake 11+6 (115)
Chris W> 10 (3pu, 3 box jumps)
Mike D. 12 or 13 Rx
Tyler 17 (95#)
Jenn 🙂
Josh 17 (115)
Bill 14 (75#)
Vollmer 15 Rx
Ceil 15+5 (12″)
Ricky 29+2 Rx
Dan E. 22+4 Rx
Iggy 17+11 Rx
DE 20+2 Rx
Jason 19 (115)
Jim C. 7+15 (95, knees)
ROn 🙂
Brian W> 10 (BPU, 85)
JOhn D> 14 (HPC, 75)
Fili 15+1 Rx
Ken 13+1 (55, #18 pu)
Megan V. 17+4 (lungeex10, pullups)
Tiff 13+9 (20# step, 24″pu)
Joel 9+7 (15ps)
Becky 18 (35#, #13 pu)
Betsy 14+5 (Ring pull up, 8 bar pu, 45#)
Nicole 16 (75#, #12pu)
Ed 10+4 Rx
Jen C. 17+14 (85)
Paul 17 (95)
Stacey 8+3 (45#, #13)
Janet 11+7 (#11 pu, 85#)
Allison 16+3 (20″ jump, #13 pu)
CHris M. 🙂 Rx
TOm 14+9 Rx
Rocco Fitness
pat D. 10 (35 HPC, pu to bar)
Anna 16 (pu, WB)
Christine 13+5 (65 HPC)
Emma 🙂
Shawn C> 13+3 (95PC)
Sean M> 13 R x
Rick 11 Rx
RObbie 21+2 Rx