“Prime Evil”
For time, complete:
- 17 power snatch, 3 thrusters (95/65#)
- 13 power snatch, 5 thrusters
- 11 power snatch, 7 thrusters
- 7 power snatch, 11 thrusters
- 5 power snatch, 13 thrusters
- 3 power snatch, 17 thrusters
WOD Notes: Compare to 111123
Workshop Notes: If you haven’t signed up for the 5th Element of Fitness workshop yet, what are you waiting for? This workshop is coming to ICA on March 3rd, just in time for the Opens! It is guaranteed to boost your performance in the gym, and help you appreciate the important role our minds play in our CrossFit workouts. To read more, check out this post. Sign up in MindBody under the WORKSHOPS tab!
Community Notes: Happy birthday Emily C!
This Post Has 19 Comments
Happy Birthday Em!!!
Happy Birthday Emily!
Happy Birthday Emily!
Happy Birthday Emily!
Happy birthday Emily!
Happy Birthday Emily!!!
Morning results:
Jacki 16:59 (55)
Sajan 18:36 (65) depth
Anna 16:07 (35)
Ryan 17:17 (75) depth
Jenn 16:12 Rx
Sara R. 13:33 (45)]
9:30am (Name, time, weight, tabata situp)
Chamberlain 10:54 (75) —
Brendan 11:49 (75) 10
Phil 10:09 Rx 10
Caba 14:12 (65) depth 10
Todd 13:03 (85) 10
Jess 10:44 (45) 12
Moira 10:45 (10) 10
Peggy 12:18 (35) depth 11
Vic 13:32 (75) 8
Brian 12:25 (75) 11
Mike R. 12:50 (65) 10
Rey 13:22 (75) 12
Awesome work on a cold morning everyone. Yayyy tabatas!
Phil your a beast, no way you were talking me into Rx. What a wonderful way to start a Monday
Thanks b. Yeah i guess funday Mondays are gone
I liked so much I did it twice! 🙂
Happy Birthday Emily!!
5pm (Name, time, weight, tabata situp)
Kev 13:06 75,10
Nikki 11:38 55,5T2B
Natalie 19:16 55,2
Mike S. 13:37 Rx,10
Nick A. 13:33 65,12
Tom M. 15:56 65,8
Laurie 12:11 45,14
Chamberlainx2 14:23 Rx,4T2B
T 10:30 50,8
Primal Fear – see you on Thursday : ( Happy birthday Emily!
errr, Evil…
I will be joining you Jackie!!! This should be fun… ; )
O’Neill’s Garage…
Cragle 10:10 65
Scott 13:45 75
Spence 14:15 65
Barb 14:20 50
Happy birthday Emily!
Rick 36
Mel 13:32 (35)
Nick V. 12:36 (65)
Stacey 18:09 (45 depth)
Emily 13:25 (35)
Tom F. 17:47 (75)
Rachael 13:48 (35)
Scott 21:54 (65)
I forgot to get a pic of the 4:00 results from today, if you know your score and weights, please post! Sorry about that.
Thank you for all the birthday wishes! Miss you all and hope to be back soon.