Daily WOD – Aug 24, 2012

The aftermath.

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 5 two-fer muscle ups
  • 10 two-fer snatches (95/65#)
  • 15 two-fer wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)

WOD Notes:  To see demo videos of these movements as well as results from the last time we did this WOD check out 111024.


This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Nikki

    Kevin I know you’re bummed to be missing this one!!

    1. Kevin


  2. Killa

    Hahha yes he is, we both are! 😉 In all seriousness, we’re going to miss you guys while we’re away! Team ICA!!!

    1. Lindsey

      We will miss you guys!

    2. Chamberlain

      We’re gonna miss you guys too. Have a safe trip.

    3. Brendan

      Have a great vacation guys!

    4. Mark

      Geeze…get a room!

  3. Tom

    Pick your weights wisely on this one… It was tough.. World’s Slowest Squat Snatches.

  4. Mike V.

    Definitely bummed to miss this one… but I have to get the long run for the week in (can’t get to it this weekend). That half marathon is coming up fast!

    I’ll plan on making up the two-fer over the next few days… have fun with it tonight!

  5. John


    Matt C. 21:40 (P/D, 65, 14)
    Tom 21:02 (JMU, 65, 14)
    Mario 16:50 (JMU, 55)
    Jenn 21:17 (P/D, 45, 10)
    Nikki 15:56 Rx
    Lindsey 20:47 (P/D, 45, 10)
    Cari 25:13 (JMU, 12)
    Matt F (21:53 (JMU, 65, 14)

    John W 19:39 women’s RX
    Chloe 19:04 (P/D, 45, 6)

    Natalie 2 Rds, 6 snatches in 25:00 (P/D, 35, 6)
    Joel 21:50 (P/D, 35, 12)
    Brendan 21:15 (JMU, 55, 14)
    Korba 17:51 (JMU, 65, 14)

    Sarge 15:47 (25 situps, 25#db, 14)
    Phil 20:57 (JMU)
    Chris 24:55 (12 2fer MU, 45)
    Laurie 18:32 (P/D, 45 clean, 12)
    Mike H. 18:16 (JMU, 35, 12)

  6. Barb

    Barb 17:45 ( pullups, 45# snatch and squat, 14# wallballs single 9′)
    Katie 15:00 ( ouchie, pullups, wallball thrusters and squats, 14# wallballs 10′)

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