Daily WOD – Aug 21, 2013

Peggy racing snatches
Peggy racing snatches


Complete for time:

  • 75 power snatches (75/55#)

WOD Notes:  ”Randy” is a benchmark hero WOD that is designed to be in the sub-ten minute time domain.  You should choose a weight that you could snatch at least 20 times in a row when fresh to keep in the proper domain.  Compare to 120625.

Community Notes:  Are you interested in joining an ICA only fantasy football league ?!? Check out this flyer for more information!


This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. T


  2. Dave B.

    Wow. No further comment needed. So much for getting a break for my traps, forearms or shoulders… (Secretly…I Can. Not. Wait…)

  3. Phil

    haha ur sick dave

    this wod is devastating

    1. Dave B.

      Saw a dude online do it in 3:22…

  4. John

    Mickey 7:34 Rx
    HIlary 10:38 Rx
    Jacki 9:02 Rx

    John 4:19 Rx PR!

    Katie N. 7:07 Rx
    Robbie 8:38 Rx
    Ginger 5:36 (35# + 5″) 8:11 to 100 reps
    Em 7:05 (35# + 5″)
    Alan 10:12 (55/35#)

    Tom P. 4:06 (95# bench)
    Phil 4:58 Rx Pr!
    Nick A. 8:16 (65)
    Kerri 7:52 (35)
    Stuart 9:12 (55)
    Angie 7:58 (35)
    Moira 9:21 (25)
    Sara R. 8:31 Rx
    Jackie T. 9:43 Rx
    Joel 10:19 FIRST RX!!
    Nik 6:00 Rx

    Peggy 6:56 (35)
    Linds 6:09 Rx PR!
    B 7:02 Rx 3 minute and 20 pound PR!
    Rey 5:58 Rx

    This is by far the best form I have seen as a group on Randy. The times reflect it, if you look back at old results, you’ll see some huge improvements!

    1. Dave B.

      John, this is the one I saw today. Pretty fierce. It does mention Lipson at 2:40 in the comments.

    2. Sara R.

      Awesome job Lindsey, you killed your last time by more than 2 minutes! Very impressive.

    3. Rick

      Nice work Joel on your first Rx

  5. Kehl


    Dave 5:51 Rx
    Erin 10:42 (50)
    Stacey 9:25 (45)
    Sajan 10:13 Rx
    Rick 8:14 (65)
    Anna 10:05 (50)
    Chris S. 9:35 (35)
    Adam 8:05 (55)
    Scott 11:24 Rx (1min PR!)
    Chase 8:24 Rx
    Katie 8:12 (45)


    Laurie 10:13 Rx
    Rachael 9:59 Rx
    Sidlo 7:23 Rx
    Paul 8:45 (55)

    Great job tonight! Shout out to Rachael for her first Rx WOD!!!

  6. B

    No wonder he got it done so fast, he left his form at the door

    1. Lindsey

      Nice job everyone!!! Great PR’s! Awesome job Joel!!! I bet you will be RX’ing many more WOD’s

    2. jimbo

      You got that right buddy! Rounded back every time.

  7. Fili

    Pissed I missed this one. Looks like everyone did a great job.

  8. Jenn

    From Crossfit Myrtle beach:

    Strength: front racked Bulgarian split squats using a bench or box for back foot

    5×8 each leg (using dumbbells)
    WOD: 3 rounds for time of:

    6 wall balls 20/14

    9 toes to bar

    12 box jumps 30/24″

    200m run

    Bonus: max plank hold on hands maintaining hollow body position

    15 lbs., 8:40 RX, 1:44

    1. Sara R.

      That looks like it was fun, hope you’re having a fun vaca.

  9. Phil

    awesome times everyone and congrats on those pr’s

    great tips and cues from coach john as always. form definitely helped on this one in the long run!

    1. Lindsey

      Thanks Sara!! 🙂

  10. Barb

    O’Neill’s Garage
    Barb 45# 7:10
    everyone else doing other makeup wods.

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