Daily WOD – April 6, 2012

The one and only!

Banded front squat 12×2 (approx 50% of your 1RM front squat)


Sprint 400m backwards

Notes: John and Nikki can’t make it to wings tonight, so if you go eat some extra for us! We’re in for next week!


This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    In for 6:15!

  2. Joe

    me too

  3. Lindsey

    Leave your edge at home in the AM Joe : )

  4. Mike

    In for 6:15 also.

  5. Nikki

    For clarification, today’s WOD is banded front (BOX) squats.

    Results from 6:15am (weight, band, box, 400m)
    Lindsey 65#, mm, 12″, 3:22
    Matt 105, mm, 16″, 2:49
    Natalie 53#, mf, 16″, 5:00
    Stephanie 38#, mg, 16″, 3:58
    Joe 155# (back), P, 12+45″, 1:40
    Mike S 125#, P, 12″, 2:12

  6. Mark

    Hmmm…only a 1:40, huh Joe? Still tired from yesterday? Zing!

    1. Joe

      I ran it forwards and asked Nikki to promise not to tell.

  7. Killa

    Results from 4:30 & 5:30pm (weight, band, box, 400m)
    Kevin 141#, P, 12″+45#, 1:57
    Craig 165#, P, 16″, 1:51
    Mark 111#, P, 12″+45#, 1:44
    Nick 75#, G, 12″, 2:15
    Eric 125#, G, 12″, 1:54
    Tanner 165#, P, 12″, 2:14
    Gil 75#, mm, 16″, 2:27
    Karen 95#, mm, 12″+25#, 3:37
    Killa 95#, P, 12″+25#, 2:04

    Great job tonight everyone! Some great times on the backwards 400m run, keep up the intensity!

  8. Killa

    Forgot to mention each class had a bonus cash-out…BONUS!!

    4:30pm (3 min AMRAP: 10 box jump overs & 10 box dips)
    Kevin ?
    Craig 6 rounds
    Mark ?
    Nick 7 rounds +14
    Eric 6 rounds +16
    Tanner 5 rounds

    5:30 (max ring hold)
    Gil 1:00
    Karen 0:08
    Killa 1:00

  9. Mike V.

    Totally misread this one… without bands at my disposal I did thrusters instead at 50% of 1RM front squat. But I decided to make it metcon, doing 2 reps every 30 secpnds for 6 minutes… and I totally missed the “box” part. Oh well, good work anyway.

    And I skipped the 400m backwards run… the neighbors already think I’m insane.

    Tomorrow’s looks ridiculous, especially given equipment constraints. 60 wall balls against a tree? Should be a blast…

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