Daily WOD – Jun 22, 2012
Complete a 4 minute AMRAP at each station: Double unders Kettlebell swings (53/35#) Row (10 meters = 1 rep) Box jumps (24/20") Rest 3 minutes between each exercise. Community Notes: Happy birthday to Meghan Rosser and…
Complete a 4 minute AMRAP at each station: Double unders Kettlebell swings (53/35#) Row (10 meters = 1 rep) Box jumps (24/20") Rest 3 minutes between each exercise. Community Notes: Happy birthday to Meghan Rosser and…
WHAT & WHY: It's hard to believe, but August 1st marks Iron Cross Athletics's one-year anniversary! In recognition, we're hosting an anniversary WOD and celebration on Saturday August 4th for ICA members, guests, and our…