Daily WOD – Jan 28, 2012
For time, complete: 400m run 50 back squats (45#) 400m run 50 front squats (45#) 400m run 50 overhead squats (45#) 400m run WOD Notes: You get to choose the weight of your barbell, starting…
For time, complete: 400m run 50 back squats (45#) 400m run 50 front squats (45#) 400m run 50 overhead squats (45#) 400m run WOD Notes: You get to choose the weight of your barbell, starting…
We know it feels like winter is dragging on, but here are a few dates and announcements to get you psyched for the month of February! February 1 - Registration launches for the 2012 Reebok…