Open Gym – Oct 27, 2016

Join us between 4;30 and 7:30pm for Open Gym. You can work on anything you’d like, including making up a workout you missed from the past week:

  • EMOM for 20 minutes of: (even minutes) 3 deads+3 hang cleans+3 power cleans (165/105#) and (odd minutes) 15 wall balls
  • Deadlift 8×1 (90%) then 5 x 5R/5L single leg deadlifts (30%)
  • Max height box jump then 4 rds of: 30 sec DB power snatch R, 30 sec DB power snatch L, 30 sec ring row, 30 sec box jumps. Rest 30 seconds after each movement
  • AMRAP in 25 min of: 25 single arm DB overhead lunges (35/25#), 25 cal row, 25 weighted sit ups (35/25#)
  • Shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3, then 3×8 hang muscle snatch (50% 1RM power snatch)
  • 4 rounds for time of: 15 bar facing burpees, 15 toes to bar, 400 meter run

Schedule Notes: Coach Mark is running CF Endurance at 4:30pm. Check the comments for the WOD, and sign up in WL if you plan to attend.




This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Kehl

    5 rounds
    5 power clean and jerks (135/95)
    10 wallballs
    15 box jumps
    20 KB swings (53/35)
    25 Double Unders

    1. Craig


    2. Harambe

      I’d love to do that, but I’m dead.

    3. Erin Burke

      This looked awesome! I request a repeat some time down the line.

      1. Craig

        Yes … 6 rounds next time

  2. ICA admin

    Heather 21:58 (83, su)
    Brooks 23:26 (85)
    Postek 22:35 (step-ups, su)
    Chris 23:45 (75, 18″, 26, su)
    Kelly 24:39 (65, 10, su)
    Betsy 24:15 (45, 10, Russian)
    Moira 24:15 (35PC, 6, 20, su)
    Steve 25:30 (14, 35, su)
    Vanessa 22:34 (45, 12, step-ups, 26, su)
    Amy 21:48 (55PC, 14, 26, su)
    Craig 21:36 (su)

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