Make Up Day – Feb 5, 2015

Boelker moving fast!
Boelker moving fast!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Compete 4 rounds for time of 200m shuttle run, 20 box jumps (24/20″), 20 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′).  Carry the medball the whole time.
  2. Turkish get up 1-1-1-1 then overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1-1
  3. AMRAP in 5 minutes of 5 front squats (135/95#), 10 push ups then AMRAP in 5 minutes of 5 back squats (135/95#), 5 strict pull ups
  4. Complete 5 rounds for time of 5 bear complexes (95/65#), 30 lateral bar hops
  5. AMRAP in 20 minutes of 5 pull ups, 10s pull up hold, 10 tuck ups, 20s tuck hold, 15 squats, 30s squat hold
  6. Power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1 and clean 1-1-1-1-1-1

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Jenn!!


This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Tav

    To my dearest wife who made me join Crossfit a year ago. I’d walk barefoot across an ocean of Legos for you. In fact I think I already have.

    1. Erin Burke

      This is one of the best birthday comments. I would expect nothing less from Tav.

      Happy Jenn Day!!!! Time to celebrate your 22nd birthday.

  2. Daria

    Happy birthday!!

    1. Lindsey

      Happy Birthday Jenn!!!

  3. Chris

    Happy Birthday Jenn! Enjoy!

  4. Jess

    Happy Birthday, Jenn!!!

  5. Nikki K

    Happy Birthday Jenn!!

  6. Marissa

    happy birthday!!

  7. Ron

    HBD Jen Tav! BOLI!!

  8. Tina

    Happy birthday Jenn! I got you limes!

  9. Kehl

    Happy Birthday Jenn!

  10. Tom S.

    Happy Birthday Jenn!

  11. Sara R.

    Happy Birthday friend 🙂

  12. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Jenn!!

  13. Angie

    Happy birthday Jenn!

  14. Fenn

    Happy Birthday Jenn!

  15. Nadine

    Happy Birthday Jenn!!

  16. Paul

    Happy Birthday Jenn!

    1. Erin Burke

      Checking in from CrossFit Hyperformance Savannah, GA:

      Deadlift 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5

      3 Rounds
      30 cal row/40 cal AD/400m run
      15 Deadlifts (225/155)
      30 Ball Shots

      Erin: 195 5 rep; WOD 17:06 Rx
      Boelker: 315 5 rep; WOD 11:16 Rx

    2. Dave

      I will add, just cause I’m me… All sets unbroken.

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