Football WOD – Oct 30, 2016

Some but not all of team ICA from Saturday!
Team ICA represented at Ghouls and Gals!
Our first ever first place finish!
Our first ever first place finish!

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 3 front squats (75%)
  • 10 push ups
  • 1 rope climb

WOD Notes: Compare to CFFB WOD 140727.

Community Notes:  Happy birthday Mel Z and Kelly K!

Hats off to the competitors from this weekend!  There were many awesome performances at this competition – some of the highlights were:

  • Ash PRing her snatch at 75# and Jess hitting 80#
  • Caine going warp speed in WOD 2
  • Elissa making her first competition look EASY w/ great performances in all 3 WODs
  • Ray and Vollmer both PRing their jerks (by a LOT!)
  • Erin gutting through 3 brutal workouts – including a PR snatch – while under the weather from a cold
  • Dave hitting a 265# jerk PR with great form
  • Dan and Jenn earning a top 10 finish!!
  • Robbie killing a 155 power snatch after missing the squat a couple times (why squat when you have that much power?!)
  • Ryan and Lombardi syncing up T2B against virtually unbelievable odds (and levers)
  • We (Nikki and John) had some fun too
  • All the awesome ICAers who came out to cheer everyone on

It really was a great celebration of fitness and we’re so proud of our ICA community!


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Mel and Kelly!! So much fun today with the best fit fam!! ICAstrong!!!

  2. Nikki

    Thanks to Smith and Karen for the photos!

  3. Chris

    Happy Birthday Mel and Kelly! Great job to all the amazing ICA atheletes! We are lucky to have such a great gym filled with awesome people.

  4. Sigal

    Happy birthday Mel and Kelly. Congratulations to all the competitors.

  5. Nikki k

    Happy birthday Kelly!
    Happy birthday Mel!
    Congratulations to everyone! You did an amazing job today!

  6. Sarge

    Patrick 10+1 (155)
    Tim 7+ouchie (115)
    Chris M 6 (135, 1/2 rope)
    Chris S 🙂 (85, 16″, 20# SP)
    Todd 8+3 (185)
    Nikki K 6+10 (80, 1/2 rope)
    Kelly 5+13 (125, 25#SP)
    Jen C 10+5(85)
    Sarah 6+8 (110, 25# SP)
    Steve 7+3 (175)
    Adam 10 (135)
    Cam 20 (PVC Squats, push ups, 5# press)

    Rey 9 (135)
    Dave 12+10 (195)
    DK 6 (135, 5 legless, 20# vest)
    Joe 11 (125, pulls)
    Kelly 7+3 (65, MF)
    Rocco 🙂 (135, 1/2 rope)
    KTS 11+3 (105)
    Emma 🙂 (65)
    Christine 8 (55, 16″, 15# SP)
    Caine 12+11 (105)
    Derek 5+3 (95)

    Happiest of birthdays to Mel and Kelly!

  7. Erin Burke

    Happy day to Mel and Kelly!!!!

    Yesterday was a ton of fun and great to see everyone do so well!!! Congratulations all!!!

  8. Erik

    Happy Birthday Mel and Kelly

  9. Daria

    Happy birthday ladies!

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