Football WOD – Jun 8, 2014

Todd working on some squat flexibility.
Todd working on some squat flexibility.

Complete 11 rounds for time of:

  • 3 thrusters (155/100#)
  • 50 yd farmer carry 

WOD Notes:  For farmer carries use as much weight as you can without putting it down for the 50 yds.

Outdoor WOD: Join us at 4pm at Valley Forge for a free outdoor WOD! Friends, spouses, kids, dogs, etc are all welcome. We have 2 fun ways to get your WOD on: 1) A 2.5 mile hike up and over Mount Misery, 2) a 1-hour class involving an AMRAP along Valley Creek. It is NOT a distance run – the AMRAP will include short sprits in a circuit style workout, so you don’t have to worry about being left behind. Meet at 4pm at the parking lot on Yellow Springs Rd. Directions:

  • Going East on Rt 23 turn onto right onto 252 South
  • Go 1.1 miles then turn right onto Yellow Springs Rd
  • Go through the covered bridge, the parking lot is 0.1 mi on your right hand side
  • If all the spots are full, continue another 0.1mi and park on the dirt road on the left.

(To find the parking lot on Google maps use the address 301 Yellow Springs Rd, Malvern)



This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Nikki

    50 burpee penalty in effect for anyone who signed up and doesn’t show up! Please remove your name by 8am to give others a chance to sign up.

  2. Nikki

    John 18:46 (155, various)
    Patrick 17:57 (115)
    Tina 20:08 (65 PC, 45# DB)
    Ron 21:36 (135, 65/53/40)
    B — (115, sandbag run)
    Sarge — (85, 53/44)
    Rob 20:45 (115)
    Todd 21:14 (155/145/135, 88)
    Zoo 15:40 (155, 70 kb)
    Erin 19:02 (75, 53)
    Dave 7:43 (135, various)

    1. Tina

      Good job on the cash out Sara!

  3. Fili

    I’m really bummed I’m missing the outdoor workout. I tweaked my hamstring playing softball this morning.

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