Daily WOD – Oct 1, 2020

Shawn F. standing up a front squat!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:

  • 30 handstand shoulder taps
  • 12 DB power snatches (70/50#, 6R/6L)
  • 6 bench presses (65% 1RM)

WOD Notes:  Choose a DB and bench press weight that will allow you to complete 1 to 3 rounds unbroken.  After that, you may need to rest!  The scales for handstand shoulder taps will be either a 30 second HS hold or 30 plank shoulder taps.

5k Run Note: This Saturday we’re completing our 5k run benchmark! The run will take place at 3:00pm as a FREE event. (The morning WOD will be a strength day.) We encourage everyone to join us for this annual benchmark! If running 3.1 miles isn’t for you, consider a shorter distance or rowing instead. We’ll meet outside in the parking lot at 3:00pm and kick off in heats. To view the course map check out last year’s post: 190925. Please reserve your spot in Wellness Living so we know how many to expect. BYO refreshments for a socially distanced, outdoor “stink and drink” after the run!
Community Notes: We want to encourage everyone to check the blog each night! Not only do we post the Daily WOD there, we also post important notes and announcements that you don’t want to miss! To continue to emphasize the blog as our primary communication tool, we’ve adjusted the SugarWOD settings to publish at 5:00am each day rather than the night before.

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