Daily WOD – Nov 6, 2021

Joe B working through HSPU!

Workout of the Day

Deadlift 4-4-4-4-4


Lateral KB goblet squat 3×16 (8R/8L)

WOD Notes:  Choose a KB weight for the goblet squats that allows you to get a solid range of motion without your heel coming off the floor.

Community Notes:  It’s bed race day!! Come to Reeve’s park from ~11:00 to 1:00 to support team ICA through this annual fundraiser held by Ann’s Heart.  It should be a fun time all around!

Nutrition Notes:  Today’s topic is healthy fats. For those on the macro diet, what do you do if you realize you’re coming up short on fat? Some of the best sources of fat are canned coconut milk and avocados. Other inexpensive options are coconut oil, olive oil, and ghee. (Although ghee is derived from butter, it’s healthier than butter, since butter contains butterfat, milk solids and water, whereas ghee is pure butterfat.) When it comes to fats, beware the temptation to use nuts, seeds, and nut butters as a primary fat source, since they’re not your healthiest option and they tend to be pricey. Also, many nuts are roasted in seed or vegetable oils – a less healthy option – so always go for dry roasted. (For more information on nuts, check out this article from Whole30.)


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