Daily WOD – May 9, 2014

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 50 double unders
  • 15 ring dips



This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Fili

    Nothing about that seems fun.

  2. jimbo


  3. Dave

    Will someone just start posting or sending directly to me, inspirational memes about working on your weaknesses? Please.

    It’s got to be done.

    1. Dave

      Ok. My selection is “Do not.” I’ll be in the back room rowing a 15 K.

    2. Erin Burke

      What’s this “do not” crapola? That’s not in your vocabulary.

  4. Tina

    Last chance to drop off any gently used coats and children’s books. Feel the Warmth will be in to pick up them up Monday morning!!

  5. Tina

    Thank you to all those who donated.

  6. Sara R.

    Double unders? Oh why yes if you are offering sure I’ll take those ah hahahahaha (insert evil laugh)!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  7. John

    James 19:57 (50 single unders 1 leg, 7 ring dips)
    Jacki 18:01 (MM)
    Jenn 23:25 Rx
    Tana 12:26 (100 su, 8xMM)
    Steve 15:40 (100 su, 8xmm)
    mohyeed 22:00 (20du, mm)

    Sarah W. 26:40 (25 DUA, MM)
    Rick 30:53 Rx
    Katie L. 27:50 (25DU, MF)
    Brian 27:11 (150 su, MM)
    Moira 19:29 (20 DU, elevated ring push up)

    Scott 27:25 (30 DU, 10 MM)
    Jen N. 22:12 (RPU knees)
    Hilary 28:41 (10 ring dips x 3 rounds, 15xmm for 2 rounds)
    Fili 25:25 (30 DU,7/rd) 25 double unders in a row! PR and GOAL
    Matt C. 20:09 Rx
    Alicia 21:49 (20 DUA, MMx10)
    Angie 21:19 (20 DUA, 10xP)
    Maggie 19:15 (25 DU, MM)

    Anthony 15:32 (10xMM, 35 DU)
    Joel 20:36 (7xMM, 20 DUA)
    Stuart 17:00 (7xMM, 20 DUA)
    Peggy 19:12 (30 DU, MM)
    Chase 13:50 (30 DU, 10)
    Dani 19:59 (30 DU, MM)
    Hancock 17:32 (10/rd, 100 su)
    Garrett 11:26 Rx

    Kerri 17:55 (10 RD, 20 DUA)
    Joe McG 8:26 Rx
    OMC 18:00 Rx
    Natalie 22:17 (25 DUA, 10 parallette dips)
    Linds πŸ™‚ (30 DU, MMx10)
    Kyle 15:56 (30 DUx 2 rds)
    Bob 16:02 Rx
    Sarge 17:42 (10 P)
    Nik 9:59 Rx

  8. Sarge

    6pm Results

    Dave 21:24 (30 DUA)
    Sara 16:45 (MF)
    Rey 11:36 Rx
    Erin 17:50 (25 DUA, MM)
    Pete 20:33 (30 DUA, MM)
    Rachael 20:10 (30 DUA, MM)
    Mel 19:02 (MM)
    Sean 15:37 (30 DU- first round, 50 DU remaining, MM)
    Kim 16:26 (25 DUA, 7 dips)
    Jimbo 28:26 Rx

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