Daily WOD – Mar 26, 2014

“Russian Kettlebell Certification Snatch Test”

AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

  • 1 arm KB power snatch (53/35#)

WOD Notes:Β  For a complete list of rules, click here.

Community Notes: Congratulations to Coach Sara (Killa!) for completing her accelerated nursing program and earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing! We are so proud of you and can’t wait to have you back at ICA!


This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Natalie

    Woot Woot!!! Congrats Killa πŸ™‚

  2. Hilary

    Oh, the excitement for this one!!! πŸ˜€

    Congrats, Sara!!!

    1. Lindsey

      Yeah Sara!!! So proud of you friend!! Can’t wait to see you on Thursday!!

  3. Jess V

    Congratulations, Sara!!

  4. Nick V.

    Congratulations, Sara! That’s awesome news.

  5. Phil

    Hard work pays off! Huge Congrats again Killa!!

  6. jimbo

    Nice job Sara!

  7. Jenn

    Congrats, Sara!!!

  8. Nikki Knapp

    Congrats Sara!!!

  9. Marissa

    congrats Sara!

  10. Kehl

    Awesome work Killa!!

  11. mj

    Yay!!!! Congrats Killa On All Your Hard Work!!!

  12. Robbie

    Congrats Killa!

  13. Sara R.

    Congrats Killa!

  14. Tom S

    Congrats Killa!

  15. Erin Burke

    Congratulations on your incredible accomplishment!

  16. Rick

    Congrats Killa.

  17. Phil

    Jon 97 35#, 3:24
    Dan 94 Rx, 3:11
    Ernie 48 Rx, 3:41(R)
    Jacki 65 Rx, 3:57
    James 100 Rx, 3:28
    Mohyeed 59 Rx, 4:15
    John 120 Rx, a long time

    Jess 103 26#, 4:10
    Hilary 113 Rx, 4:10
    Katie N 94 Rx. 3:05
    Katie L 118 26#, 4:07
    Tana 76 15#, 4:07
    Patrick 105 44#, 3:19
    Paul 59 Rx, 3:04
    Brian 86 Rx, 3:25
    Betsy 119 20#, 3:14
    Phil 94 Rx

    1. B

      73, 55# @ casa dougherty

    2. Sarge

      a long time, ay, John?

  18. Peggy

    Sara – Congratulations! Keep up the good work!

  19. Laurie

    Whoop! Whoop! Way to go Killa! Congratulations!

  20. Katie N.

    Congrats Sara!

  21. Kehl


    Anthony 62 Rx, 3:19
    Fenn 113 (20#), 3:54
    Maggie 97 Rx, 4:30
    Sara R. 82 Rx, 3:45


    Joel 98 (35), 4:21
    Steve 76 (44), 3:08
    Kyle 80 (35), 3:26
    Marissa 82 (26), 3:23
    Lindz 90 Rx, 4:42
    Peggy 99 (20), 4:00
    Kathy 80 (10), 5:22
    MJ 85 Rx, 4:47
    Chris 76 (26), 4:34
    Hancock 92 (20), 4:58

  22. Kehl


    Fili 75 Rx, 4:38
    Sajan 78 (44), 3:15
    Erin 68 (26), 3:20
    Dave 100 Rx, πŸ™‚
    Byron 103 (35), 3:47
    Pete 94 (26), 3:51
    Jeremy 89 (44), 3:43


    Laurie 70 (30# db), –
    Rachael 93 (26), 3:42
    Scott 56 Rx, 5:05
    Jen N 131 (36# 1 arm Russian swings), 3:38
    Jim N 80 (36), 3:42

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