Daily WOD – Mar 25, 2014

Birthday Girl!

Banded Box Front Squat 10×2 (60/30%)


30 pistols NFT

Community Notes:Β  Happy Birthday Erin!!


This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. Jenn

    Happy, happy birthday, Erin!! Enjoy it!!!


  2. Sara R.

    Happy Birthday Erin!!! Have a great day! πŸ™‚

  3. Angie

    Happy birthday Erin!!

  4. Ron

    Happy belated KEB!!

    Happy Birthday Erin!!

  5. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Erin!! πŸ™‚

  6. Kehl

    Happy birthday Erin!!

  7. KEB

    Happy Birthday Erin!!!

  8. Tina

    Happy birthday Erin! Hope it’s a great day!!!

  9. Jen N

    even if I do not have class with you tomorrow, I will do your birthday burpees – happy birthday Erin!! xo

    1. Lindsey

      Happy Birthday Erin!!! πŸ™‚

  10. Phil

    Happy birthday Erin!

    1. Daria

      Happy Birthday!!

  11. Tanya

    Happy Birthday Erin!!!

  12. Nikki Knapp

    Happy Birthday Erin!

  13. Peggy

    Happy, Happy Birthday Erin!

  14. Nadine

    Happy Birthday Erin! Hope you have a great day!

  15. Katie

    Happy Birthday Erin!!!!!

  16. Robbie

    Happy Birthday Erin!

  17. Marissa

    happy birthday!!!

  18. Laurie

    Happy Birthday Erin!! Hope you enjoy your day!

  19. Jim

    Happy birthday Erin!

  20. Garrett

    Happy bday Erin!!

  21. Nick V

    Happy birthday, Erin! Have a great day!

  22. Laurie

    I just watched a video of Sam Briggs doing 14.4. She is so incredible to watch! But is it REALLY possible to get in such amazing shape with just an hour a day workout? Or does she really spend 4-5 or more hours a day working out? I’d honestly like to know. Comments welcome.

    1. Rick

      I would think anyone who competes at an elite level like Sam Briggs must be doing much more than 1 hour a day. I’m sure they are also on a much more regimented diet and supplementation regime than those of us who enjoy our 1 hour a day. Lastly I would think they are doing much more than a typical met-con including a lot more heavy lifting than we would do in a given week. I don’t know that for sure as I don’t know their programming but I think it’s a safe assumption.

  23. Rick

    And Happy birthday Erin.

  24. Dave

    just a couple of ‘adds’ to Rick.

    There was a male in the top 15 after 14.3, that in the update show leading up to 14.4, the hosts said “He’s a dying breed…the last of the one workout-a-day guys.”

    These people essentially get paid to workout and compete. Some directly from earnings (granted, to my knowledge, a very miniscule percentage of a percentage) like Froning, who I think won $375,000 for winning the Games last year. And scores, but I would say only scores of others, have endorsement deals, earning them maybe just enough to not work, or just work part time. I seem to read more and more top 50 type athletes that own their gyms, so there’s that advantage.

    Meet ‘Fat Sam’ Briggs

    Rich Froning – Day at the Office

    this will tell you all you need to know about a couple of the elites.

    Opinion: Is it possible to “look” like them with one workout a day? Sure, genetics, diet and hard work can make you look like them. Can one workout a day get you to perform like them? No.

  25. Nikki

    Happy birthday Erin! See you at 6 πŸ™‚

  26. BJ

    Happy Birthday Erin!

  27. Anna

    Happy birthday Erin!!

  28. ICA admin

    6pm Results
    Dave 95#, Chains (Bench Press)
    Joanna 85, MM, 16″
    Tirzah 55, MM 16″
    Byron 145, MM, 20″
    Jeremy 145, MM, 20
    Erin 75, MF, 13″
    Mel 85, Mf, 13″

  29. Nikki

    6:15 am
    Jenn 115, P, 12″
    Dan E 135, P, 14″
    Mohyeed 135, P, 14″
    Nick 135, P, 14″
    Marina 45, 12″, no band
    Paul 125, 16″, mm
    Jon 75, 16″, mm

    BJ 145/135, 2xmf, 12″
    Zoo 165, 2xmf, 12″
    James 135, G, backsquat
    Lee 90, 2xmf, 3
    Nadine 55, mf, 16″
    Fenn 55, mf, 16″
    Peggy 45, mf, 12
    Katie L 70, mf, 16
    KWV 55, mf, 12
    Jess V 55, mf, 12
    John 165, 2xmf, 12

    Nikki K 75, mm, 12
    Natalie 105, mm, 12+45#
    Sarge 95, mm, 12+15#
    Maggie 95, mm, 12+25#
    OMC 145, 2xmf, 12″
    Kyle 115, 2xmf, 12″ (back)
    Kehl 115, 2xmf, 12″
    Mickey 135, p, 16″
    Chase 135, P, 16″

    Scott 145, P, 16″
    Allen 45, mm, 16″
    Tanya 115, mm, 12″ *First pistol!!*
    nik 95, mm, 12″

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