Daily WOD – Mar 11, 2014

Welcome Jeremy!
Welcome Jeremy!

Complete 3 rounds of max reps in 1 minute at each station:

  • row (1 cal = 1 rep)
  • bear sliders (1 mat = 1 rep)
  • reverse sled drag (180/135#, 1 mat = 1 rep)
  • rope pullsย 
  • army crawl

Rest 1 minute after each 5 minute round.


This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. Rey

    Bear sliders sound delicious!

    1. Nick V

      I heard bear meat is grizzly.

  2. Jen N

    where did the walrus go?

  3. Vollmer

    the Walrus was Paul.

    1. Nick V

    2. Dave

      Goddamnnit. Nick beat me to it. STFU Donnie!

    3. Garrett

      Think I’m in on this!

  4. Rick

    We’re talking about Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. STFU Donnie. FYI Da Jesus is a pederast.

    1. Dave

      What’s a pederast, Walter?

    2. Rick

      8 year olds dude

  5. Rick

    Dang, it’s Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, anyway, I will now have to watch clips of the Big Lebowski all day. That movie has the greatest use of the word Strumpet. I’m feeling movie night at ICA.

    1. Nick V

      Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

    2. Rick

      “Stay outta Malibu, Lebowski!!” I could do this all day

    3. ICA admin

      I’m sorry I wasn’t listening.

    4. Rick

      (Takes a coffee mug off the forehead) “Ah you F $#@ing fascists! “

    5. Nick V

      This is not ‘nam, guys. There are rules.

    6. Dave

      Movie Night at ICA: 7:00PM March 29 – A celebration of the end of “The Open” as well as KEB’s 21st Birthday.
      – Hmmm. All we need is an HD projector, a computer, a white wall (got plenty of them), ideally participation but minimally permission from ownership, and a coach to offer to stay for a two hour movie. I offer clean up services.

      Just spit ballin’ with other people’s property.

    7. Nikki

      Dave funny you mention that… I was just talking to my brother yesterday about hooking us up with a projector. Not sure if we’ll have it together by March 29, but stand by.

    8. Dave

      Great minds, Nik. Great minds.

    9. Nick V

      I could probably lay hands on a projector by March 29. Just sayin’.

  6. Rick

    OVER THE LINE!!! Mark it Zero

    1. Nick V

      Nothing is f@#!ed!? The GODDAMN plane has crashed into the mountain!

  7. Ginger

    …soooo does that mean dodgeball for a warm-up is likely tonight
    : ) : ) : )

    1. Dave

      YES! That’s PERFECT!

    2. Rick

      No, we did 15 minutes of jumping rope to warm in the 6:15 class. Kids love jumping rope.

    3. Dave

      DAMNIT! I don’t have double unders yet, I doubt I can graduate to double dutch on zero notice.

  8. Sarge

    6:00 Results
    Ginger 167 (90#)
    Mel 167 Rx
    Dave 234 Rx
    Nick 203 Rx
    Erin 195 Rx
    Kim 161 (scale)
    Mike 185 Rx

    Bonus points to Dave for the most creative army crawls ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Nick V

    One last one for the day. Really, really not safe for work, or around small children:

  10. John

    Jon 203 (90#)
    Dan 189 Rx
    Mohyeed 179 Rx
    Matt (PSU) ๐Ÿ™‚ Rx
    Liz 149 (90#)
    Rick 185 Rx
    Jenn 248 Rx
    Russ 217 Rx
    Paul 171 (135)
    Ernie 133 (135#)

    Coll ๐Ÿ™‚ Rx
    Marissa 206 (90#)
    Denny 152 Rx
    Dani 197 Rx
    Sajan 198 Rx
    Betsy 236 (90#)
    Tom S. 196 Rx

    Jen N. 235 (RR)
    Jeremy ๐Ÿ™‚ Rx
    Heather 187 (90)
    Sarge ๐Ÿ™‚ Rx
    Kyle 192 Rx
    Natalie 176 Scale
    Angie 160 (90#)
    Chris 165 Rx
    Adam 179 Rx
    Mickey 192 Rx
    Kelly 159 (90)
    Maggie 186 Rx
    Fenn 176 (90#)
    LInds 254 (Prowler push)

    Rey 192 Rx
    Sara R. 191 Rx
    Tanya 176 Rx
    Jeff 178 Rx
    Rachael ๐Ÿ™‚ Rx

    Make Up Night
    Kelly K. 177

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