Daily WOD – Jun 6, 2014

Nikki in the middle of this workout at the 2012 regionals!
Nikki in the middle of this workout at the 2012 regionals!

“2012 Regionals Event 2”

Complete for time:

  • 2000m row
  • 50 pistols (25R/25L alternating)
  • 30 hang power cleans (225/135# NTE 85% of your 3 rep from last week)

WOD Notes: You can see results from around the world (including Nikki) by clicking here and changing the year to 2012.Β  There will be a 25 minute cap on this workout.


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Dave

    Wow. As if my quads aren’t quivering enough from makeup night.


    1. Patrick

      Preferable to the “run” that was promised tonight I suppose?

  2. Jen N

    Umm hat was jenn with 2 ns begging. Big jen knows better πŸ˜‰

    1. Jen N

      That not hat obviously

    2. Jenn

      Haha, I might have been begging for some pistols but never on the row!!!

  3. ICA admin

    Ken 24:01 (1/2 pistols, ROM 105)
    Jenn 17:55 (115)
    Patrick 19:56 (115)
    James 24:48 (195 PC, step downs Rt, to 16″ Lt)
    Dan E. 20:25 (1/2″, 185)

    Jocelyn 16:51 (on 12″, 55)
    Ron 23:59 (on 16″, 155)
    Katie L. 19:26 (to 16″, 85)
    Katie N. 15:05 (Runs, to 16″, 85)
    Pug 16:30 (3/4″, 155)
    Moira 17:16 (on 12″, 40)
    Jeannette 15:41 (to 18″, 55)

    John 17:14 Rx
    Zoo 21:08 Rx
    Brian 20:56 (DC right, 155)
    Chris 20:31 (to 16″, 65)
    Nadine 15:38 (to 20″, 45)
    Jen N. 19:40 (to 18″, 100)
    HIlary 18:35 (105)
    Fili 20:03 (to 18″, 155)
    Alicia 21:46 (to 18, 65)
    Scott 23:10 (to 20, 165)

    Paul 19:11 (115, 1/4″ Rt)
    Steve 18:42 (to 16″, 135)
    Fenn 20:32 (to 18″, 45)
    Jeremy 18:50 (to 20, 155)
    Joel 18:33 (to 20, 95)
    Anna 21:28 (to 16, 65 FS)
    Rick 18:55 (135)
    Korba 19;33 (on 20″, 135)
    Kyle 15:05 (3/4″, 135)
    Peggy 17:33 (to 16, 65)

    Sarge 20:42 (2xsquats, 95 PC)
    Kev 21:55 (26 pistols, 85)
    OMC 22:21 (30 pistols, 155)
    Natalie 23:21 (to 20, 95)
    Kelly D. 19:08 (to 20, 55)
    Nik 15:49 (115)
    Sabol 18:29 (to 166″, 165)
    Linds πŸ™‚ (1500m row,2xsquats, 95)

    Apologies for typos, all results put in with Carver on my lap.

    1. B

      That Pug really threw some weight around today

  4. Sarge

    6pm :
    Pete 18:23 (16″+25+15, 75)
    Erin 16:45 (!^”+25, 75)
    Chase 18:56 (20″/Deadlift)
    Dani 20:03 (95)
    Dave 17:27 (16″+25, 185)
    Angie 15:55 (2x squats, 50)

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