Daily WOD – Jul 4, 2014

Nice shorts Anthony
Nice shorts Anthony

“Partner Bar Mile”

  • 400m run (65/45#)
  • 50 back squats (65/45#)
  • 50 front squats (65/45#)
  • 50 overhead squats (65/45#)
  • 400m run (65/45#)
  • 5o shoulder press (65/45#)
  • 50 push press (65/45#)
  • 50 push jerks (65/45#)
  • 400m run (65/45#)
  • 50 hang power cleans (65/45#)
  • 50 hang power snatches (65/45#)
  • 400m run (65/45#)

One person is working at a time on the movements.  Both partners run but only one needs to be carrying the bar.

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Stuart!!


This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Hilary

    Happy birthday, Stuart!

  2. Jenn

    Happy birthday Stuart!!!

  3. Katie L

    HBD Stuart!!!!!!

  4. Angie

    Stuart!!! Happy, happy birthday! Enjoy!

  5. Fili

    Happy birthday!

    Besides the running this looks awesome.

  6. Tina

    Happy birthday Stuart!!

    Excited to do this one!!

    1. Lindsey

      Happy Birthday Stuart!! 🙂

  7. Dave

    Vacation can wait an hour or two. See ya’s in the AM?

    1. Dave

      Stuart!!!!! Happy birthday!

  8. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Stuart!! 🙂

  9. Robbie

    Happy Birthday Stuart!

  10. Ron

    Happy birthday Stuart!!!

  11. Nikki knapp

    Happy Birthday Stuart!

    Never thought I would be able to run with 45# on my back!

  12. Stuart

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  13. ICA admin

    Nikki K. and Kelly K. 30:43 (45/25#)
    Nadine and Rachael 30:37 (15/45#)
    Katie L. and Sarah W. 30:22 Rx
    Dave, Dan E. and Bob B. 27:02 Rx (80’s)
    Joe and Tyler 30:31 (45)
    Dion and Rick (from out of town) 24:34 Rx

    Angie and Tina 32:00 (PP instead of SP)
    Tom S. and Ron and Fili 36:18 Rx (75’s)
    Patrick and Anthony 33:54 Rx
    Jenn and Julie 25:30 (45, 15)
    Korba and Brian 25:27 Rx

    John and Nick 23:59 Rx
    Robbie Pugh 23:03 Rx
    Todd V. and Sidlo 26:09 Rx
    Fenn and MB 29:21 (25)
    Anna and Jocelyn 31:37 Rx
    Jess and Deron 27:38 (45)
    Moira and Jill 31:53 (25)

    Phil and CHase 25:10 Rx
    Nik and Sean 25:23 (45)
    Hilary and Dani 26:16 Rx
    Chris and Sarah L. 27:40 (35)
    Joanna and Peggy 28:25 (35)

    Well done all around and happy 4th of July!

    1. Nikki

      Huge congrats to Jocelyn on her first RX workout today!!!

    2. Lindsey

      Brendan and Lindsey 🙂

    3. Pugh

      Lindsey, I told Nikki that I didn’t see Brendan do the runs so it didn’t actually happen. Sorry about that:)

  14. Tom S

    Happy birthday Stu!!

  15. Angie

    Happy birthday, Stuart!

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