Daily WOD – Jul 29, 2014

Complete for time:

  • 21 thrusters (135/95# NTE 75%)
  • 400m run
  • 15 thrusters (135/95#)
  • 400m run
  • 9 thrusters (135/95#)
  • 400m run

Community Notes:Β  Happy Birthday Jon!!


This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Jon!!! πŸ™‚

  2. Angie

    Happy birthday, Jon!

  3. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Jon!!!

  4. Dave

    JON! Happy Birthday!!

    Throw in a sandbag and this might as well call this 31 Heroes prep…

    1. Nikki

      You’re on to us!

  5. Ron

    HBD Jon!

  6. Rick

    Happy Birthday

  7. B

    Happy birthday Jon!

  8. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Jon!!! πŸ™‚

  9. Nikki K

    Happy birthday jon!

  10. Tina

    Happy birthday Jon!!

  11. Sara R.

    Happy Birthday Jon!!

  12. Paul

    Happy Birthday Jon!

  13. jimbo

    Happy Birthday Jon!

    1. Dave

      Jimbo, ya comin’ tonight? Wanna do the runs with sandbags? I’ll reserve the 65# one for you if you do…

  14. Laurie

    HBD Jon!

  15. Hilary

    Happy birthday, Jon!

  16. Sarge


    Dave 15:58 Rx+
    Chase 13:50 (115)
    Jen N 11:33 (65)
    Fili 17:49 (115)
    Sarah 10:56 (65)
    Dani 13:05 (75)
    Nikki 10:52 (95, no third run)
    Daria 16:02 (45)
    Erin 11:11 (65)

  17. Eric

    Happy b-day Jon

  18. Nikki

    Blake 11:48 Rx
    Sean 15:21 (65)
    Julie 10:53 (35)
    Dan E 16:30 Rx+ (155)
    Eric 16:19 (95)
    Maggie 14:20 (85)
    Jackie 12:49 (65)
    Paul 12:14 (85)
    James B 12:55 (75)
    Jenn 13:36 (85)
    Patrick M 14:33 (115)
    Tyler 12:40 (65)
    Joe S 10:03 (75FS)
    Brian 12:43 (115)
    John 9:01 Rx

    Tom S 13:15 (95)
    MB 11:25 (35)
    Katie R 12:48 (45)
    Kyle 11:32 (95)
    Zhu 11;10 Rx
    Chuck 12:58 (45)
    Pugh 9:38 (95, depth)
    Stewart 12:42 (45)
    Sabol 13:44 Rx
    Alicia 13:56 (45)
    Peggy 12:27 (50)
    Jill 12:12 (35)
    Kim D 13:21 (45)

    Sarge 12:48 (75DU, 75#)
    Linds πŸ™‚
    B 16:01 Rx
    Adam 12:48 (85)
    Chris 13:51 (55)
    Natalie 19:46 (65)
    Ron 17:39 (115)
    Tina 13:35 (45)
    Angie 13:16 (45)

    Alyssa 13:18 (55)
    Kelly D 15:50 (45)
    Rob 18:39 (115)
    Allen 16;57 (95/85)
    Nick 15:41 (115)

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