Daily WOD – Jul 25, 2014

The Defending Champ - 377# OHS
The Defending Champ – 377# OHS
Welcome Amy!!
Welcome Amy!!

Banded Box Back Squat 10×2 (60/30%)


20 zurcher deadlifts (30% 1RM deadlift) NFT

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Nikki K!!

CrossFit Games Notes:  The Games recaps are showing on ESPN/ESPN2 on Friday 9-10pm, Saturday 8-10pm, and Sunday 8-9pm. We’ll be watching at casa de Warnek – anyone who wants to join us is welcome! Just shoot us an email, text, or FB message if you need our address. Also, for those who didn’t know, you can watch the Games streaming live at the Games website. Coverage started on Tuesday and goes through Sunday.


This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Nikki!!

  2. Tina

    Welcome Amy!

  3. Angie

    Happy birthday, Nikki!!!

  4. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Nikki K!!! 🙂

  5. Dan Eichenwald

    For anyone looking for a good time on Saturday, Phil, JenTav, Tanya and myself will be doing the Brawl in the Burbs, a 4 person team competition at CF KoP. They’ll be streaming the CF games all day. Should be fun. Let me know if you’re interested in hanging out.

  6. Dave

    Nikki!!! Happy Birthday!

    Amy, welcome to a great place.

    Good luck Brawl Team. We’ll be on our last shore trip for the summer.

  7. Hilary

    Happy birthday, Nikki!!

  8. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Nikki K!! 🙂

  9. Jess

    Happy Birthday Nikki!!!

  10. Mel

    Happy birthday!!

  11. Ron

    HBD Nikki K!

  12. Marissa

    happy birthday!!

  13. Eric

    Happy Birthday Nikki K.!!!!

    1. Dave

      And if it wasn’t worth the five minutes it takes to read it, tell me, and I will immediately give you 50 burpees. I’d be interested to see what happens.

  14. Sean

    Happy Birthday Nikki K.!!

  15. Kyle

    Happy Birfday Nikki!:)

  16. Phil

    MB 55, MF, 12″
    Julie 55, MF, 12″
    Mickey 185, P, 16″
    Eric P 185, p, 18″
    Deron 115, P, 16″
    Patrick M 115, P, 12″
    Sean 135, P, 12″
    Joe S 95, P, 12″

    Sarah L 85, MF, 12″
    Alyssa 85, MF, 14″
    Katie L 75, MM, 12″
    Jocelyn 95, MM, 12″
    James B 115, MM, 16″

    John 235, P, 16″
    Mel 75, MF, 14″
    Alicia 75, MF, 14″
    Ron 185, P, 16″
    Fili 185, P, 16″
    Steve K 135, P, 16″
    Tom S ?
    Chuck ?

    Jen N 115, MF, 16″ X 7 (135X 3)
    Coll Rockstar =)
    Brian 175, MM, 16″
    B 17, MM, 16″
    Pugh 165, MM, 16″
    Chase 175, MM, 16″
    Kyle 175, MM, 16″
    Nik 105, MM+MF, 85
    Kerri 65, MM, 65
    Stuart 95, MM, 16″
    Dani 95 MM+MF, 75

    Bob 125, P
    Natalie 105, MM+MF

    Dave 185, P, 12″, 25
    Pete 90, P, 16″, 50, 18
    Erin 75, MM, 13″, 15

    1. Tom S

      Tom S. 145, MF, 16″
      Chuck 95, MF, 16″

  17. Nikki K

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

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