Daily WOD – Jul 22, 2015

Deficit Deadlift 5×5 (75%)


400m sled drag (20% SDC)

WOD Notes:  Deficit deadlifts are significantly more challenging than regular deads because they require a weaker/deeper start position.  If you are still working toward a solid deadlift position then do today’s workout with either a conventional or sumo dead (no deficit).  The sled drag should be unbroken and should involve limited strain on your calves which will require a very upright torso as you drag.

31 Heroes Notes:  The sign up sheet is on the door at the gym!  Make sure to put your name up even if you don’t have a team yet and we’ll match people up.  This really is a grand time every year so bring your family even if they are just there for the roasted pig!


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Boelker

    I, for one, am even more excited for this year’s 31 Heroes than ever before. What a great celebration of community and fitness. I really hope everyone can make every effort to attend at least some part of the day.

    Nikki and John, when you open the gym that morning, don’t be surprised if you find me cuddled up atop the sandbags. Fair warning.

    1. Nikki

      Dave, that wouldn’t surprise me on any day!

    2. Boelker

      Well played.

  2. Phil

    Murray 305 3″
    Joe W 305 0″
    Erik M 305 2″
    Adam S 185 4″
    Patrick M 265 4″
    Mohyeed 275 0″ 135 sled
    Julie M 125 2″
    Maggie N 155 2″
    Jenn 215 3″
    Julie R 185 3″
    Erik P 245 0″

    Allen P 185 0″
    Sara P 85 0″
    Danielle 155 3″
    Cam 115 0″
    Payton 125 0″
    Mike 235 3″
    Matt 165 3″
    Phil 315 3″

  3. Erin Burke

    Remind me again how we figure out the SDC? Is it 1RM dead + body weight?

    1. Peter

      Yep. “The SDC, or sled drag coefficient, is your body weight plus your 1 rep max deadlift.”

  4. ICA admin

    Kelly K. 185, 3″
    Pugh 235
    Angie 125 3″
    Tina 125, 3″
    Rick 225, 3″
    Carl 275, 3″
    Nadine 105, +2″

    Chase 275, 0″
    Dani 175 3″
    Andrew 165 sumo
    Jen 155, 2″
    Daria 155, 2″
    Erin 175, 2″
    Mel 150, 2″
    Peter 185, 2″
    Dave B. 300, 3″

    Laurie 175, 3″
    Allen 215, 2″
    Rachael 135, 3″
    KK 165, 2″
    Alexa 115, 1″
    Elissa 135, sumo
    Daniel 165, sumo

    Beautiful form today, keep it up!

  5. Boelker

    5PM Results

    Tav 365 sumo
    Nikki K. 145, 3″
    Steve 265, 2″
    Tim 135, 1″
    Robbie 235, 25″
    Chris 155, 2″
    Janna 115, 3″
    John 405 x 4, 3″
    Nikki 90, 3″
    Fili =)
    eQ 200, 3″

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