Daily WOD – Jul 11, 2017

Katie L

Deadlift 6 x 3


10 minutes of walking lunges

WOD Notes: Work up to a heavy 3 rep then work across for 6 sets. Go heavy! (Approx 85-90% of your 1 rep max.)


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Boelker


    Ryan 385
    Amy 135
    Quinn 275
    Chris 300
    Craig 300
    Ceil 215
    Jenn 215 form
    Frank 265
    Prell 220
    Joe T. 185 form
    Robert 235
    Jess 145
    Emma 195
    Nicole 195

  2. Kehl

    Caine 315
    Catherine 145
    Shawn 215
    Charles 215
    Joel 385
    Duris 335
    Vanessa 80
    Postek 335
    Tommy 265
    Mike C. 315

    Dave 350
    Erin 225
    Tina 165
    Nikki 185
    Robbie 315
    Derek E. 205
    Andrew 300
    Jeff 285
    Tim 275
    Ed 315
    Tav 365
    Vicki 255
    Kenny 245
    Bob K. 300
    eQ 225

  3. Boelker


    Kehl 225 form
    Danielle 185
    Luke M. 155
    Luke 245
    Shawn G. 125 sumo
    Leland 275 sumo
    Daria 145
    Michelle 130
    Kerry 115
    Cindy 115
    Derek 215
    Ray Z. 335
    Chase 335
    Dani 195
    Kelly 205
    Karen 185

  4. Kehl

    Rocco 285
    Sikora 205 (form)
    Tobin 🙂
    Brianna 175
    Alexa 235 (sumo)
    Drake 255
    Rob 305
    Dave W. 225
    Sara 105
    Erik 345
    Marissa 135
    Tom 265 (sumo)

  5. Kehl

    Rocco – Baseline: 4:31

  6. Nikki

    Nikki – 225 (7/20 make up night)

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