Daily WOD – Jan 30, 2017

Ceil hoisting some DBs overhead!
Ceil hoisting some DBs overhead!

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 30 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′)
  • 15 toes to bar
  • 15 push ups

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday KtN!


This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Katie!!!

  2. Chris S

    Happy birthday Katie!

  3. Kelly D.

    Happy Birthday Katie!

  4. Kerri

    Have a beautiful Birthday Katie !!

  5. Nikki k

    Happy birthday Katie!

  6. Laurie

    HBD KTN!

  7. Dave

    Happy day, Katie!

  8. Erin Burke

    Happy Katie Day!! Hope it’s a great day for you!!

  9. Phil

    Happy Birthday Katie!

  10. KtS

    Happy Birthday Katie!!

  11. ICA admin

    Robert G 27:30 (14#, sux20)
    Mark G. 20:17 (GHD)
    Nikki K. 24:48 (8pu, sux2)
    Craig 22:15 (DCPU)
    Megan L. 17:30 (26″, 7t2b, 6#x20)
    Frank 23:28 (9′)
    Murray 18:53 (10/10)
    Marissa W. 18;20 (8#, 26″, su)
    Emma 30:10 (WBD< MF) Chris M. 26:26 (DCPU, MC) Ceil 21:41 (su, 10#) Jenn 25:43 Rx KtS. 19:46 Rx John M. 22:05 (DCWB) Ryan I. 19:43 Rx Steve M. 20:26 (su) Wes 18:47 (14#) Nicole 21:55 (26", MC) 6:15 Faith 16:08 (26", su) Ken 21:16 (DCPU, su) Vollmer 21:04 Rx JOhn 17:14 Rx 9:30 Jimbo 24:20 Rx Pugh 20:38 Rx Jamie 16:38 (su, 14#) Chelsea 23:31 (26", su, 10) Jen C. 18:51 Rx Betsy 16:15 (6 rds) Paul 25:03 (16#) 4:00 Duris 18:09 Rx Austin 15:32 Rx unbroken t2b brooks 24:52 T2R Mike C. 21;11 Rx Robbie 18:15 Rx Vicki 17:24 (8t2b) Luke 19:01 (10pu, su, 14#) heather 16:12 (10/10) Bre 26;05 (t2r) Chris S. 5+35 (AMRAP in 17 of 30 squats, 30 sit ups) Vanessa 21:38 (26", kbs) kerri 22:10 (20"pu) DK 19:10 (8#) Tav 24:48 Rx Shawn 18:54 (7 t2b, 7 pu, 14#) Patrick M. Rx 5:00 Boelker 14:29 Rx Patrick S. 17:26 Rx Caine fun Erin 19:45 (20AM sit ups) Lombardi 16:47 (8'wb, dc push ups) Dani 23:30 Rx Bob K. 24:48 Rx Tanya fitness 24" Kelly D. 23:46 (25/10/10, 12#, t2R) Tim C. 21:18 (16#) Ash 18:00 (6 rds, su, 24") Jeff 29:02 (10/10, 16#) Derek 22:27 (14#) Joe S> 15:52 (14#)
    Kenny 21:21 (su, 14#)
    Bob B. 22:07 (20/10/10)
    John C. 28:13 (6 rds, su, 14#d)
    Filchner 19:53 (10/10, 14#)
    Chase 17:00 (20/10)
    Jim C. 18:40 (4 rds, 10pudc, 7t2b)

  12. Tanya


    Fili 19:20 (#36 goblet squat, amsu)
    Laurie 19:31 (7t2b, #12×20)
    Mel 21:08 (mm pu)
    Ray Z 27:53 (7t2b, 12″, 16#)
    Curtis 26:42 Rx
    Stuart 20:43 (20″, 14#, su)

    Rocco 19:03 (14#, t2Rings)
    Rob 20:26 (16#, tucks)
    Karen 23:35 (tucks, mm pushups)
    James 27:10 (3t2b/15amsu, 10# – 8″)
    Elissa 20:16 Rx
    Missy 17:37 (8#, 20″, amsu)

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