Daily WOD – Apr 25, 2014

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 50 double unders
  • 10 back squats (135/95#)
  • 5 muscle ups

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Kim D!!

Event Notes: This Saturday several ICA athletes are competing in a masters-only competition at CrossFit Generation. Good luck to Jimbo, Jess and Todd V, Dave and Erin, and Jenn!!! Spectators/fans are welcome and encouraged to attend. Click HERE for event information, and HERE for parking/schedule info (they even have a spot designated for tents!).


This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Angie

    Happy birthday Kim!!

  2. Hilary

    Happy birthday, kim!!

  3. Angie

    Hillary, what class r u going to tomorrow? It’s my first day back after 10 days away….

    1. Lindsey

      Happy Birthday Kim!!! 🙂

  4. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Kim!!!

  5. Lindsey

    Good luck to all who are competing in the MOTU!!

  6. Kehl

    Happy birthday Kim!!

    Awesome workout! I guess I should put down the wine now and pick up the water.

    1. Kehl

      …and goodluck to all the Masters of the Universe competitors!!

  7. Ginger

    Happy birthday Kim!

  8. Jess

    Happy Birthday Kim!!!

  9. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Kim!!! 🙂

  10. Nadine

    Happy Birthday Kim! What class are you coming to? 🙂 just kidding…

    1. Erin Burke

      Happy Kim Day! Hope it’s a great one!!!!

    2. Kim

      Whatever class you are going to!! Haha

  11. Robbie

    Happy Birthday Kim, and good luck to all the competitors this weekend!

  12. Sara R.

    Happy Birthday Kim!

    Good luck everyone!!! 🙂

  13. Jon

    Being that we’ve had some form of squats in the 4 of that past 5 workouts I felt this was and appropriate video to post. It’s a Troy University Offensive Lineman squatting 810 lbs. Rediculous

  14. Phil

    happy birthday Kim!

    good luck to the ICA competing, hoping to catch u all in action and cheer you guys on tomorrow

  15. Kim d

    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! Good luck to everyone tomorrow!

  16. Nikki

    Happy bday Kim!!

    Nikki 13:25 Rx (box for MU)

  17. Phil

    Eric 23:40 (20DUA, 65+16″, G tucks)
    Jon 26:46 (75, 10+10)
    Hoagie 23:36 (20, 5+5 P tucks)
    Fili 23:54 (20, 5+5) 20 in a row!
    Rudy 19:37 (150SU, 65, MM 5+5)

    Katie N 18:42 (75/95 ) Rack, 5+5)
    McGonigal 14:15 (185 Rack) Rx+
    Moira 22:02 (25 DU, MM+MF, T2DB, 40# Rack)
    Patrick 23:59 (150SU, 85#, 5+5)
    Zoo 27:11 (185) Rx+
    Peggy 22:50 (25DU, 55, 5+5)
    Katie L 17:20 (20DUA, 65, 5+5 Kip)
    John 19:52 (185) Rx+

    Ron 27:09 (20DU, 5+5) 10 in a row!
    Rick 29:39 MUA
    Jen N 15:43 (25 DU, G 5+5, Rack) 25 in a row!
    Chris 19:45 (100 SU, 65#, 5+5, Tuck G)
    Hilary 28:26 (85, MUA)
    Paul 29:55 (25 DU, 95#, MUA)
    Heidi 20:10 (150SU, 50#, 5+5 P+MM + tuck)
    Tanya 26:46 (125#, 5+5) 11 in a row

    Nik 13:25 Rx

    Jocelyn 15:31 (2XSU, 65#, 5+5 G tuck)
    Nadine 16:55 (2XSU, 45# Rack, 5+5 P+MM tuck)
    Anthony 19:27 (115#, 5+5, 30DU 2 rounds)
    Hancock 18:12 (2XSU, 60#, 5+5)
    Brian 19:29 (5+5, 2RDS DU, 3 2XSU)
    Tom S 19:01 (25DU, 115#, 5+5)
    Kim D 13:17 (2XSU, 55#, 5+5 G+MM Tuck)
    Kehl 14:26 Rx

  18. Anna

    Happy Birthday Kim!!

  19. Kehl


    Bob 22:37 (5/5)
    Robbie 24:17 Rx
    Sy 18:31 (100SU, 75, 5/5)
    Betsy 20:14 (65, 5/5)
    Jeremy 23:27 (5/5 tuck)
    Tirzah 22:58 (100SU, 65, 5/5 P/tuck)
    Sarge 17:26 (20 air squats, 5/5 P/mm (pull-up/push-up)
    Steve 22:02 (25DU, 5/5)
    Kyle 21:30 (2rds 100SU, 115, 3rds MUA then 5/5)
    Sidlo 21:32 Rx

  20. Sarge

    6pm results
    Joanna 24:30 (30 DUA, 75, MM)
    Mel 20:31 (75, P)
    Rachael 25:17 (30 DUA, 95, MM)
    Pete 24:50 (30 DUA, 75, MM)

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