Daily WOD – Apr 11, 2012

early morning presses

WOD 1: Death by deadhang pull up

WOD 2: 5 rounds for time of:

  • 10 left arm dumbbell push press (35/20#)
  • 5 left leg box jumps (16/12″)
  • 10 right arm dumbbell push press
  • 5 right leg box jumps 

WOD Notes: A “death by” rep scheme means in the first minute you do 1 rep. In the second minute you do 2 reps. In the third minute you do 3 reps. Continue until you reach a minute where you can’t do the required number of reps in that minute. For WOD 2, we’ll scale the box jumps using stacked plates for anyone not comfortable jumping to 12″ with one leg. For the push press, feel free to scale up or down!

Community Notes: Happy birthday Kevin and Scott!

Final Note: Please sign up for the 6:15am class if you are coming!


This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Kevin and Scott!! Hope you both enjoy your day! In for 6:15 : )

  2. Christopher Chamberlain

    Happy Birthday Kev and Scott!!!
    It seems like there’s a birthday everyday. I wish my body could take another day of WOD’s, one leg box jumps look like fun, but by the looks of my squat snatch, I think I need a rest day.

  3. Mike

    Happy Birthday Kevin and Scott! I guess that means double the burpees 🙁

    In for 6:15am.

  4. John

    Happy Birthday Fellas, I’ll hit some bday burpees for both of you.

  5. Mark

    Wow, lots of April birthdays! Happy birthday fools!

  6. Nikki

    Results from 6:15am (Death by DH, WOD2)
    Cari 4+3, 5:25 (Rx)
    Mike S 10+5, 6:52 (Rx)
    Matt 9+9 (G), 6:18 (12″, 30#)
    Lindsey 5+5 (P), 5:25 (10/12″, 20#)

  7. Emily Croce

    Happy Birthday Kevin and Scott!
    In for 4:30

  8. Tiana

    Happy Birthday Kevin & Scott!!

  9. Phil

    happy birthday kev and scott!

    wooo! burpee marathon tonight

  10. Sarg

    Happy birthdays, guys!!

  11. John

    Evening results:
    Craig 8, 6:35 (20″, 50)
    Tanner 11+7, 5:54 (20, 50)
    Tiana 5+5 (G), 7:42 (16, 30) right leg step ups
    Mark 10+9, —–
    John 9+6, 5:10 (12, 25)
    Phil 10+5, 5:20 (16, 40)
    Nick 9+4, 6:30 (16, 35)
    Chris 4+4, 5:45 (12, 25

    1. Lindsey

      Just ordered a jump rope…. on my way to stringing thousands of double unders!! Woot woot!

  12. Cragle

    OG Results:
    Scott 9+6, 4:21 (16″,25#)
    Cragle 8+6, 4:30 (16″,35#)

  13. Spence

    OG Results part 2:
    Spence 5+1, 5:30 (16”, 35#)
    Barb 3+3 (thin blue), 6:24 (12”, 15#)
    Spotts 2+2 (thin red), 3:43 (12”, 15#)

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