Daily WOD – Nov 14, 2011

Welcome Morgan and Joe M - First Class! Welcome also to Joe C!

5 Rounds for Max Reps of

  • Body Weight Back Squat
  • Double Unders

WOD Notes:  Upon finishing your last back squat, you must immediately grab your rope and go into double unders until failure.  The score will be total squats and double unders completed.  You may recover between rounds.


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Im in for the 5pm class- can’t wait : )

  2. MJ

    this sounds like a good one! Really love your programming

    1. Nikki

      Thanks MJ! This one will hurt, but it will definitely be fun!

  3. Kevin

    I’ve been under the weather since the WOD on Saturday with sneezy, cold, now lungs issues. I’m hoping I can try to workout tomorrow, otherwise, you won’t see me until Saturday since I’ll be up north of the border. This WOD looks awesome.

  4. Joe

    I too am taking a few extra days off this week. Trying to get rid of a few nagging aches and pains. Angie crushed me, I felt like I got hit with a baseball bat across my lats yesterday.

    1. Nikki

      Joe – good thinking to give your body a rest. I had to take a bunch of days off after that too. I have to admit I’m a little bummed to not get to see you do today’s WOD – John and I were betting how many bodyweight back squats you can do

  5. Joe


    That’s funny you say that. I was doing the math in my head last night too trying to figure it out. Maybe I’ll sneak in Thursday. I really just need to rest my upper body and don’t think I’ll be able to sit out the whole week even if I wanted.

  6. jw592349

    Joe C (95#, SU) 21+21, 10+16, 11+13, 13+31, 17+13
    Killa (135, DU) 20+3, 10+0, 12+0, 7+7, 10+0
    Emily (45/55, SU) 40+1, 40+24, 30+100, 20+56, 25+38
    Lindsey (75/85, SU) 35+16, 20+20, 22+30, 21+28, 12+29
    Dan (135, SU) 15+24, 11+18, 11+22, 5+30, 12+33
    Jim (135, DU/SU) 14+0DU, 11+80, 12+82, 9+2, 10+3DU
    Nikki (131, DU) 30+15, 21+16, 20+8, 11+27, 16+19
    Morgan (65, SU) 20+30, 16+41, 13+46, 11+37, 11+34
    Miller (115, SU) 15+8, 12+10, 13+13, 12+16, 12+18

  7. Cragle

    Day Shift @ the OG:
    Chuck (?, DU) 9+26,8+27,8+21,6+24,9+27
    Barb (95,DU) 10+15,10+9,7+13,8+12,10+14
    Spotts (115 Front,DU) 10+16,8+10,9+10,8+10,8+12
    Donna (65,SU) 8+50,10+65,10+55,10+53,10+42

    Night Shift @ the OG:
    Scott (135,DU progressions) 10+10,10+10,11+10,12+10,12+10
    Cragle (185,DU) 12+11,12+17,12+20,13+14,12+15

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