Daily WOD – Aug 31, 2013

Welcome Steve!!
Welcome Steve!!

Sumo Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5


5×8 zurcher dead lifts (20-30% 5RM)

Schedule Note: Athletes who are familiar with these movements are welcome to complete the WOD during Barbell Club. Please note – the 30 burpee penalty is in effect for anyone who signs up for class and doesn’t show up!

Community Note: The greater CrossFit community is coming together to raise money for the Granite Mountain Hotshots – a firefighting team from Arizona that tragically lost 19 members of their team while fighting a fire on June 30, 2013. Most of the CrossFit community is doing the “Hotshots 19” WOD as today’s workout of the day. At ICA, we are making it the suggested WOD for the Open Gym on Monday. Whether you complete the WOD or not, please consider making a donation to support the families of the lost heroes.  Click HERE to make a donation and to see what the workout is!




This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Phil

    great cause. definitely in for Monday!

  2. Angie

    Definitely donating and want to do the WOD! What’s the scale?

    1. Nikki

      Will definitely recommend most athletes do only 3 or 4 rounds rather than the full 6! And will (obviously) pick appropriate weights for the power cleans.

  3. Lindsey

    What a great cause!! Looks fun too!! 🙂

  4. John


    Robbie 255, 75
    John 500, 135
    Marissa 130, 45
    Jenn 235, 75, (2sets)
    Nikki K. 145, 45
    Moira 85

    Fili 355, 85
    Nick V. 305, 65
    Ron 305, 65
    Sabol 405, 135
    Sajan 285, 95
    Steve 225, 95
    Tina 115, 35
    Kim 110, 35
    Joanna 145, 45
    Anna 195, 65
    Hilary 190, 40 (3rds)
    Natalie 220, 45 (2rds)\
    Sara R. 205, 65
    Jackie T. 175, 65

    Ben 305, 95
    Jocelyn 125, 45
    Laurie 215, 65 (3 sets)
    Nik 213, 63
    Tanya 213, 63
    Kim L. 225, 63
    Rey 335, 95
    Garrett 405, 135 GM
    Scott 335, 95
    Sidlo 305, 95

    Great lifting today! Hats off to Steve for a solid lift in his first class!

    1. B

      The old man laying on the floor in the back looks like he needs medical attention…

  5. tanner

    I’m in for the memorial word. Sounds freaking awesome!!

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