Make Up Day – Jun 5, 2014

Sarge getting up the rope!
Sarge getting up the rope!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Hang Power Clean  3-3-3-3-3 then 30R/30L sledge hammer hits
  2. “Murph” 1 mile then 100 pull ups, 20o push ups, 300 squats, 1 mile run
  3. Complete 10 rounds for time of 3 power clean and jerks (185/115#), 10 evil wheels
  4. Complete 2 rounds for time of 30 burpees, 15 front squats (155/105#)
  5. Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2 then 30 HSPU NFT
  6. Complete 4 rounds for time of 400m run, 15 KBS (70/53#), 3 rope climbs

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday Sajan!!


This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Sajan!!!

  2. Jess

    Happy Birthday, Sajan!!

  3. Dave

    SAJAN!!! HAppy Birthday!!!!

  4. Ron

    Happy Birthday Sajan!

  5. Tina

    Happy birthday Sajan !

  6. Hilary

    Happy birthday, Sajan!!

  7. Brian

    Happy Birthday, Sajan!!

  8. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Sajan!!! 🙂

  9. Nikki Knapp

    Happy Birthday Sajan!

  10. Marissa

    way to go Karen!

    happy birthday Sajan!

  11. Sara R.

    Happy Birthday Sajan!

    Great job Karen! 🙂

  12. Tom S

    Happy Birthday!!

  13. Katie L

    HBD Sajan!!!!!

  14. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Sajan!!!

  15. Angie

    Happy birthday!

  16. Robbie

    Happy Birthday Sajan!

  17. Rick

    Happy birthday Sajan.

  18. Phil

    Happy birthday Pecs! time for some birthday pushups

  19. Fenn

    To the “Man on Fire” … Happy B-day Sajan!

  20. Sajan

    Thank you for the wonderful birthday wishes!!

  21. jimbo

    Happy Birthday Sajan!

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