Make Up Day – Apr 10, 2014

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last 6 workouts.  This week the choices are:

  1. Power Squat 3-3-3-3-3 then 400m backwards run
  2. Complete 7 rounds for time of 10 wallballs (20/14# to 10/9′), 10 pull ups
  3. EMOM for 8 minutes of 3 weighted pull ups (25/15#), max reps power cleans (185/125#)
  4. Max height box jump then thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
  5. Complete 3 rounds each for time of: 400m row, 20 slam balls (40/30#), 20 toes to bars
  6. AMRAP in 12 minutes of 5 burpees, 5 KBS (70/53#)

Community Notes:  Happy Birthday to our fearless leader, John!!! And happy birthday to Chris too! So many burpees tomorrow!!! 🙂

Schedule Note: John has a rehearsal dinner tonight, so Nikki’s running the gym solo from 4:30-7:30. I should be there right at 4:30, but please be understanding if I’m a few minutes late! Thanks!!


This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday John!! Happy Birthday Chris!!!

  2. Chris

    Happy birthday john. We share a birthday

  3. Pugh

    Happy Birthday! Hope you both have a great day!

  4. Tina

    Happy birthday to both if you!!!! Enjoy your day.

  5. Angie

    Happy happy birthday to you both! Enjoy your day!

  6. Phil

    happy birthday chris!

    happy birthday freakshow warnek! make sure you violently warm up those shoulders to get some shoulder impingements going before attempting your birthday burpees

  7. Nikki Knapp

    Happy Birthday John!
    Happy Birthday Chris!

  8. Marissa

    happy birthday john and chris!! enjoy the gorgeous weather today

  9. B

    Happy birthday John and Chris!

  10. Sara R.

    Happy Birthday John and Chris! John no wonder you were saying in class yesterday how great it is to have a birthday fall on a Thursday haha!

  11. Betsy

    Happy Birthday John and Chris! Hope you both have a fantastic day!

  12. Laurie

    Happy birthday John and Chris!

  13. Hoagie

    Happy birthday guys!

  14. Hilary

    Happy birthday, john and Chris! Hope you both have happy birthdays filled with burpees!!!

  15. Peggy

    Happy Birthday John and Chris! Hope you have a fun filled day!

  16. Jess

    John and Chris, Happiest of birthdays to you both!!!

  17. Anna

    Happy Birthday John and Chris!!

  18. Katie


  19. Kehl

    Warnek!!! Happy Birthday Bossman!

    Happy Birthday Chris!

  20. Rick

    Happy birthday John and Chris. I made you guys a paleo birthday cake. It taste terrible and will give you the shits but its the thought that counts right?

  21. Paul

    Happy Birthday John and Chris! John my gift to you is staying away from the gym until all burpees are completed.

  22. Nick V.

    Happy birthday, John and Chris!

  23. Nick

    Happy Birthday John and Chris!!

  24. Dave

    Happy Birthday Chris!!

    John, I was planning on just going for a run tonight, but with the prospect of doing your birthday burpees, I just gotta know what time to be there.

  25. Mel

    Happy birthday !!

  26. Jenn

    Happy birthday, guys!! Enjoy this beautiful day!!

  27. Daria

    Happy Birthday!!

  28. Steve

    Happy birthday, John. I think you should have to do burpees at every class.

  29. John

    Thanks all for the birthday wishes! It is a darn shame that I can’t make it to the gym tonight to perform all those burpees, but I’m sure all the make up night folks will enjoy the burpees for me.

  30. Natalie

    Happy Birthday John and Chris!!! 🙂

  31. BJ

    Happy Birthdays!

  32. Ernie B

    Happy Birthday to our fearless leader, John!

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