Daily WOD – Oct 29, 2016

Patrick M. losing his grip but still landing the power clean!
Patrick M. losing his grip but still landing the power clean!

Complete for time:

  • 25 thrusters (65/45#)
  • 5 sumo deadlift high pulls (65/45#)
  • 20 thrusters (65/45#)
  • 10 sumo deadlift high pulls (65/45#)
  • 15 thrusters
  • 15 SDHP
  • 10 thrusters
  • 20 SDHP
  • 5 thrusters
  • 25 SDHP

WOD Notes:  This workout requires some small bumper plates on large bars.  DO NOT drop a bar in the workout as it will damage the plates.  The weights will be light enough that you can control it to the floor after each set.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sarge

    Zach 16:29 Rx
    Mel 9:18 Rx
    Kelly 11:04 Rx
    Nikki 10:26 Rx
    Ceil 10:09 (75 FS, 44#)
    Heather 10:18 (44)
    Sara 14:33 (35)
    Nicole 9:25 (35)

    Steve 14:12 Rx
    Pat 11:33 Rx
    Fili 13:17 Rx
    Coll 13:27 Rx
    Steve P 11:46 Rx
    Jamie 13:10 Rx
    Austin 6:46 Rx
    DK 12:29 Rx+
    Mike C 9:29 Rx
    Danielle 12:33 Rx
    Katie 8:37 Rx
    Sarah 9:32 Rx
    Jacki 11:35 Rx
    Craig 9:09 Rx
    Jolene 10:48 (35)
    Tav 11:51 Rx+

  2. Sarge

    Jim C 15:09 Rx
    Rocco 16:35 Rx
    Alexa 14:11 (75 FS/DL)
    Patrick 8:06 Rx
    Adam 14:18 Rx
    Chris S 11:25 Rx
    Vanessa 14:16 35
    Faith 10:08 (25)
    Kelly 12:42 (35, 26)
    Ly 8:00 (25)
    Bre 11:40 (35)
    Sara 🙂
    Jen C 9:18 Rx
    Derek 14:33 (45)
    Bob 14:37 Rx
    Chris 14:33 Rx

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