Football WOD – Mar 16, 2014

Complete the following on alternating minutes for 14 minutes:

  • 15 KB swings (70/53#)
  • 15 toes to bar

WOD Notes:  Complete KB swings the first minute, T2B the second, KBS the third, T2B the fourth.  Continue alternating for 14 minutes.  If you cannot complete the 15 reps within the minute, switch anyway.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sarge


    Rick 6(3) + ? (62, 10 T2B)
    Tom 2 + 240 (62)
    Sam 7 (russian)
    KEB 5 (2)+?(35, 8T2B)
    Whit 7 (3) + ? (44, T2R)
    Erin 14 (7) (44, T2P)
    Joanna 13 + 5 (35, 7T2B)
    Dave 9 (4) + 92 (10 T2b)
    Peggy 4 (2) + 72 (35, 8T2B)
    Maggie 8 (4) +? (10T2B)
    Jen N 14 (7) (russian, T2P)
    Patrick ? 🙂 (35, T2P)
    Jenn 4 (2) + 104 (35, 5T2B)

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