Complete 6 rounds of:
- 30 seconds max reps of deadlifts (275/185# NTE 75%)
- 30 seconds rest
- 30 seconds max burpees
- 30 seconds rest
WOD Notes: Pick a weight for deadlifts that allows you to get at least 10 reps in the first 30 seconds. If you have any back issues, consider going sumo. Taken from CrossFit Football site on 150710.
This Post Has 3 Comments
Good luck Erin, Dave, Jimbo, and Sarah L who are competing in Test Your Metal in Allentown tomorrow!
Good luck today to everyone competing in Test your Metal.
Great job Dan on yesterday’s comp!
ICA Strong!!!
Rey 41/69 Rx
Sara R. 37/53 (165)
Joe W. 32, 65 (sumo)
Elissa 54/59 (105)
Vince 98 (215/185)
Nik 60/60 (145, slam balls)
Kelly D. 118 (95)
Austin 78/85 (225)
Peggy 62/50 (95)
mIKE c. 47/65 (225)
Sabol 37/71 Rx