Football WOD – Aug 4, 2013

Complete 5 rounds for time of:

  • 10 front squats (70% 1 rep max)
  • 1/2 gasser (100 yd sprint)

WOD Notes:  Compare to CFFB 130708.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Sarge

    Sunday Fun in the Sun!

    Jon (77) 9:04
    Nick A (125) 9:52
    Rick (115) 8:01
    Mel (70) 9:16
    Moira (30) 7:39
    Garrett (185) 14:32
    Tanner (185) 11:51
    Joanna (75/65) 10:11
    Phil (205) 11:51

  2. Ben

    “Sunday Fun in the Sun!”

    Did you squat outside too?

    1. Rick

      Actually yes, we did.

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