Football WOD – Aug 10, 2014

31 Heroes 2014!!

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

  • 5 shoulder to overhead (185/115, NTE 75% 1RM)
  • 10 push ups
  • 15 banded good mornings

WOD Notes: Compare to CFFB WOD 140802.

Community Notes:

1. Happy (belated) birthday Tom S! Thanks for spending your day with us at 31 Heroes!

2. The heat spreadsheet has been updated with results that were turned in to us. Kids scores are listed at the bottom. Link to it HERE.

3. Congrats to the top teams in each level:

  • Level 1 – John, Sabol, Matt, and Zhu
  • Level 2 – Rick, Hoagie, Sidlo, Paul
  • Level 3 – Erin, Sarge, Peter, Fili
  • Level 4 – Daria, MB, Chris, Boelker

4. Shout out also to the highest scoring all-female teams:

  • Level 3 – Hilary, Jacki, Sara R, Lindsey
  • Level 4 – Alyssa, Rachael, Amanda, Jeanette

5. Congrats to the top girls scorers from the kids WOD:

  • Julia Lamb, 222
  • Maddie Mullaney, 209
  • Elena Rodriguez, 176

6. And congrats to the top boy scorers:

  • Leo Sardella, 213
  • Ronan Mullaney, 191
  • Jaron Johnson, 178

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Tina

    Happy birthday Tom!!

    Alex had 175 in the kids WOD. Sorry, we must not have turned his slip in.

  2. Phil


    Joe S ~4/5 (145 BS, G)
    Sarah W 4+25 (80, P, Knees 1RD)
    Jen N 4+2 (100, P)
    Tanya 4+4 (115, P, Parallettes 2RDS)
    Peggy 5+3 (60, P)
    Rob 3+7 (155, G)

    Happy Birthday Tom!

  3. Rick

    Congrats to myself, Paul, Hoagie and Sidlo on dominating the LADIES Rx division. Super proud of you guy in showing the ladies how it’s done. Ha, ha, great time yesterday.

    Men’s Rx for us next year.

    1. Nikki

      Lol, in your defense, there were no Women’s Rx teams, otherwise they would have won by default! You raise a good point though – our coed 105# team was only a stone’s throw from the top men’s team. Way to rock it ladies! 🙂

  4. Dave

    Half Wit Trail Half Marathon

    2:30:22 with over 2200′ of elevation gain.

    I’m tired.

    1. Nikki

      I hope you take a rest day tomorrow Dave!

    2. Daria

      62 heros yesterday, trail run today?! I agree with Nikki I hope tomorrow is a rest day!

  5. Elizabeth Ernst

    I had such an amazing time! Thanks again Nikki and John fir not letting me back out last minute!

    “The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.”

    Where can I see all the wonderful pictures taken the day of the 31 Heros?!

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