Daily WOD – Oct 26, 2020

Shania with a heavy power clean

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 15 minutes of

  • Ascending ladder of power cleans (185/125#, NTE 80%)

Complete 5 handstand push ups after each set of cleans

WOD Notes: This workout will start with 1 power clean and 5 HSPU, then 2 power cleans and 5 HPSU, 3 PC+ 5 HSPU, etc. The weight you choose for your power clean should not exceed 80% of your 1RM. It’s a weight you’ll likely drop each rep, but you can pick it up again quickly. Score will be completed rounds + extra reps. Subs for HSPU include 5 box HSPU, 1-2x push ups, or 2 wall climbs/rd (dependent on wall availability). When selecting your station keep in mind the 5 stations on the far side of the rig don’t have access to a wall, so we’d appreciate you filling these in first if you don’t need a wall.

Rovember Note: Next Sunday is November 1, and we’re excited to kick off another month of “Row-vember!” This year’s format will be different than previous years. We’ve planned 10 rowing workouts which will be released one at a time, every 3 days. They are “extra credit” WODs to be performed outside of normal class times, such as at Open Gym, at home (if you have a rower), or out to the parking lot during normal class times (as along as the classes don’t need the rower). Anyone who completes all 10 workouts during the month of November will get a sweet pin!

Nutrition Note: What is inflammation? Inflammation is the body’s attempt to heal itself after an injury, defend itself against foreign invaders (such as viruses and bacteria), and repair damaged tissue. There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic (“systemic”) inflammation. Acute inflammation is short-term and the effects subside after a few days. Examples are a sprained ankle, a cut, or an infection. Systemic inflammation is long-term, low-grade inflammation, present with conditions such as osteoarthritis, autoimmune diseases, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. Lifestyle and environmental factors can also lead to systemic inflammation, for instance: poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, pollution, etc. Scientists are still working to understand all the health implications of chronic inflammation, but it is believed to play a role in heart disease, diabetes, lung issues, bone health, depression and cancer. By avoiding inflammatory foods (gluten, dairy, sugar, legumes) we can start to reduce systemic inflammation in our bodies. Take it a step further by eating foods known to have anti-inflammatory properties: cold water fish (high in omega-3), cruciferous vegetables, berries, and certain spices such as turmeric, ginger, cayenne, and nutmeg.

Community Notes: Happy birthday Jimbo!


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