Daily WOD – Nov 22, 2016

Back Squat 4×6 (80%)


30 consecutive backwards lunges in place (15Rt/15Lt, 30% 1RM back squat)

Reminder:  Thursday and Friday this week will have a modified schedule.

  • Thursday – Firebird from 7:30 to 10:30.  If you want to kick off with a group, we will kick off informal heats 7:30, 8:00, 8:30, 9:00 and 9:30.
  • Friday – Classes at 9:30 am, noon and 5:00 pm. Open gym from 10:30 to noon.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Erin Burke

    I have a feeling these backward lunges will have a similar result as some weighted lunges we did just before an earlier Thanksgiving…circa 2013. Standing, walking the stairs, sitting down all proved challenging that weekend!

    1. Craig

      I had similar thoughts about the 5k I’m in on thanksgiving morning … I’m thinking these lunges will be saying hello around that time

  2. Sarge

    Breakfast Club

    Craig 225, 95
    Ryan 315, 135
    Jenn 205, 95
    Faith 100, 45
    Erik 185, 65
    Jamie 185, 75
    Chris 185, 75

  3. Dave


    John 315, 155
    Andrew 205, 95
    Curtis 145, 75
    Derek 125, 55
    Nikki 150>170
    Alexa 155
    Danielle 135, 55
    Janet 135, 35

  4. ICA admin

    Darah 95 to 14″
    Vanessa 95 to 14″
    Duris 255
    James 345 (-2″)
    JImbo 🙂
    DK 15
    Pat B> 235/215
    Dubs 165
    Mitch 135/65
    Chelsea 55 to 18″
    Emma 75

    Mark G. 285
    KEvin 135 to 16″
    HEather 135
    Brooks 140
    Christine 75, 45
    Danielle J. 75
    John C> 135 to 16″
    Ryan P. 225 to 14″
    Erin 155, 65
    Lindsay 65

    Kristen 70, 33
    Tina 125
    Dave 300, 115
    STeve M. 225, 95
    Ron 275
    FIli 305
    Bob K. 215, 85
    Caine 🙂
    Melissa 130, 55
    EQ 130, 55
    Dani 140, 65
    Jeff 210, 80
    TIm 155, 60
    RObbie 235, 105
    Dan E 285, 105
    Tav 275 to 20″, 105

    Rocco 235
    Mullaney Fitness
    Rob G> 245
    Smith 165, 185
    Ray 185/205
    ELissa 155
    Brian W> Fitness

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