Daily WOD – Nov 21, 2012

Joey’s first class!

Front squat 5-5-5-5-5


30 weighted box jumps (24/20″, not for time)

WOD Notes: Compare to 120606.


This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    After all the squats today-I am going to be lucky if I can almost get below parallel…

    1. Nikki

      Yeah but at least we’re giving everyone’s arms a break! Mine still feel weak

  2. Marissa

    There’s no way my body can do this today. Have a great thanksgiving everyone!

  3. Laurie

    I’m thankful that I cannot make this WOD tonight, so I have an excuse for giving my body a much-needed rest day. I am in DIRE NEED of a good massage!!! BTW, I highly recommend Cortiva Institute in KOP for a massage. The cost goes toward a student’s hours they need to graduate from the program. $30 for 30 minutes – a great deal! Plus, they give very professional service. Tell them what aches you have and they’ll work the knots out. Must have every-now and then treat!!

  4. ICA admin

    Jerry 130, 60@20″
    Jacki 120, 50@16″
    Tom S. 125, 50@20″

    Jana 50, 20@12″
    Korba 225, 40@24″
    Matt C. 225, 88@24″
    Ron 185, 40@20″
    Jason 165, 90@20″

    Jackie 100, 40@20″
    Jeanne 50 (shoulder press)
    Joey 165, 40@24″
    Craig 205, 216@20″
    Beth 115, 40@20″
    Sabol 255, 106@20″
    Phil 265, 106@20″
    Kim D. 95, 35@16″

  5. Kehl

    Chase 195, 88@20″
    Dani 105, 20@20″…with bowling, wrist injury
    Jimbo 185, 90@20″ (205 x 4)


  6. T

    Checking in from crossfit Charlotte
    Power clean 543211111
    3rds for time of 10 squat cleans 1 cargo net climb (135/95)

    Mickey- 205#/5:02 (115)

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

  7. Sarge

    6:30 Results

    Melissa 85, 15#/16″ (10 @ 20#)
    Sarah 80, 15#/16″ (5@20#)

    Nice ROM on the squats from both ladies! Excellent work.

  8. Jenn

    Checking in from Richmond, VA:

    Press pushes 5-5-5-5-5
    PR #110

    1. Jenn

      3 rds
      7 burpee box jumps(24″)
      15 sit ups
      3:22 RX+
      Miss my ICA family!!! Have a great thanksgiving!!!

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