Daily WOD – Nov 2, 2021

Jess Smith catching a clean!

Workout of the Day

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

  • 5 front squats (185/123#)
  • 10 chest to bar pull ups
  • 20 double unders

Then Tabata:

  • Hollow rocks or bicycle crunches

WOD Notes:  With pull ups in the workout, the front squats should ideally come from the floor!  Choose a weight that will let you complete the squats unbroken.

Nutrition Notes:  Sleep.  While nutrition can make a huge difference in your performance and appearance, there are other variables that can impact your health.  Of these, sleep may be the most important and most neglected.  For the last 8 days of the challenge, it is worth trying a experiment in which you make a consistent effort to get to sleep a little earlier.  The goal should be 8 hours/night. Give it a try and see how you feel!


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