Daily WOD – May 16, 2014


Welcome Jeannette
Welcome Jeannette!!

Complete 42-30-18 reps for time of:

  • box jumps (24/20″)
  • power cleans (95/65#)

This Post Has 8 Comments

    1. Rick

      I think its clear that I’m a man ahead of my time. Ha ha. I’ll be rockin the look Saturday night.

  1. Dave

    All of a sudden, my ripped hands from Tuesday’s “Cindy” don’t bother me much anymore.

  2. Nikki

    Mohyeed 17:51 (step)
    Dan E. 14:37 (115)
    Patrick 12:59 (85, step)
    Jenn 11:33 Rx
    Rudy 16:35 (65 step)
    Jacki 14:37 Rx
    Hoagie 14:37 Rx
    Katie L. 14:32 Rx
    Russ 15:57 Rx

    Chloe 17:36 (65/45)
    Jess 14:19 Rx
    Tom S. 17:41 Rx
    Ron 17:07 Rx
    Brian 13:34 Rx
    Tanya 12:31 Rx
    Katie N. 11:07 Rx
    John 9:03 Rx

    Maggie 12:46 Rx
    Alicia 17:36 (45, 16)
    Hilary 14:34 Rx
    Chris 17:46 (55, 16″)
    Scott 22:31 Rx

    Zoo 11:08 Rx
    Pugh 11:12 Rx
    Sjan 15:44 Rx
    Kevin S. 16:18 (115)
    Stuart 18:38 (20″)
    Kathy 15:50 (40, 16″)
    Sarah W. 15:50 Rx
    Angie 13:57 (50)
    Jocelyn 15:22 (55, 14″)
    Kerri 15:01 (55)
    Tana 15:57 (55)
    Joel 16:35 (20″)

    Kehl 11:11 Rx
    Nik 8:58 Rx
    Sarge 13:09 (hang steps)
    Kelly K. 13:40 Rx
    Kev 11:09 Rx
    Jeannette 11:00 (35, 16″0
    Nikki K. 12:41 (35, 16″)
    Kelly D. 11:33 (45, 16″)
    Natalie 16:20 (1/2 jumps)
    OMC 12:42 Rx
    Steve K. 14:12 Rx
    Tirzah 11:17 (45)
    Jeremy 13:33 Rx
    Chase 11:31 Rx
    Bob 14:35 Rx

  3. Sarge

    Dave 10:44 Rx
    Mel 15:01 Rx
    Sara 12:33 Rx
    Rey 9:54 Rx
    Pete 14:45 (65)
    Rachael 11:42 Rx
    Sean 14:26 (85)
    Erin 13:31 Rx
    James 14:25 (WB)

  4. Phil

    Thurs Makeup

    Fenn 14:26 (16/35)
    Peggy 18:41 (19/65)
    Dani Rx =)

    1. B

      Peggy was damn close Rx!

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