Daily WOD – March 9, 2012

John C hits a solid clean

Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


At 60% of your 1RM, perform 4 power cleans on the minute for 6 minutes

Notes: Compare to 111118


This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Lindsey

    In for the bfast club!!

  2. Nikki

    Results from 6:15am
    Matt 135, 85
    Mike S 155, 95 (3 rds)
    Kim 105, 65/75
    Lindsey 108, 70
    Emily 75, 55

    Great job breakfast crew! Huge PRs for Kim, LIndsey, and Emily. Also, just for the record (4:30 and 5:30 class…. I’m calling you out) – the morning crew did a bonus (7th round) of cleans at the end. Yeeeeaaaaah power cleans!

  3. Kevin

    Ok breakfast club … let’s take it down a notch. I bet Lindsey was smiling the whole time again too.

    I think Linksey and Mike are nuts for doing a workout that early after last night’s monster of a workout. You’re both beasts.

    1. Mike

      More props to Lindsey, she actually finished all rounds. I was toast this morning.

      1. Lindsey

        Thanks Mike….tomorrow I will have t-rex arms and will not be able to bend them!!

      2. Kevin

        Lindsey, you need the shirt Sara has with a T-Rex on it that says, “TRex hates pushups”.

    2. Lindsey

      Kevin….it sounds like someone is a bitter betty since he missed the WOD this morning!! We welcome your team spirit, beastiality and sunshine to any early morning workout! : )

      1. Lindsey

        can anyone guess which word was auto corrected ( and I just noticed)…..sorry Kev!!!

  4. Dorothy

    Hi. I’m planning on a drop in for the 5:30. Karen seduced me with cleans.

    1. Nikki

      Awesome! See you then!!

  5. Nikki

    Results: Name Max, Reps
    John 275, 165
    Jessie 100, 75
    Tiana 135, 95
    Frank 165, 115
    Craig 215, 153
    Kev 225, 145
    Killa 145, 95
    Karen 113, 73
    Dorothy 143, 85
    John C 135, 75
    Nick 125, 85
    Jimbo 165, 95
    Matt 185, 135
    Phil 215, 135

  6. John C.

    …that’s embarrassing.

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