Daily WOD – Mar 14, 2014

“Open 14.3”

AMRAP in 8 minutes of:

  • 10 deadlifts, 135 / 95 lb. 
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch
  • 15 deadlifts, 185 / 135 lb.
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch
  • 20 deadlifts, 225 / 155 lb.
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch
  • 25 deadlifts, 275 / 185 lb.
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch
  • 30 deadlifts, 315 / 205 lb.
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch
  • 35 deadlifts, 365 / 225 lb. 
  • 15 box jumps, 24 / 20 inch

WOD Notes: We knew it was going to get heavy this week… deadlifts ascend in weight and reps as you work through this chipper. Note that for the box jumps, step ups are allowed! You need to load your own bar for the deadlifts. If you are competing in the Open, see the full standards here.


This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. John

    The deadlift, when performed properly, is a beautiful movement that has potential to build tremendous power and strength. We reserve the right to no rep any movement tomorrow (even if by the rules it is “legit”) that would be considered dangerous. First time, no rep, second time, workout is over. Lift like you train at ICA, like you always do!

    1. Fili

      I’m a fan of this one but I do see some people getting hurt with this one though.

    2. Fili

      I meant people outside of ICA of course.

    3. Nick V

      ^ It’s comments like this that cause me to recommend ICA without reservation whenever somebody asks me about Crossfit. I’ve visited boxes that felt like it was just a matter of time before somebody got hurt badly, and I’ve never once felt that way here.

      Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow!

    4. Nikki Knapp

      This philosophy is one of the reasons that I trust the ICA coaches to train my teenage daughter!

      Good Luck everyone!!

  2. John

    Oh, and GET JACKED UP!!!!

    1. Lindsey

      Oh I am jacked up for this one!!!!

  3. Dave

    How am I expected to sleep tonight?

    1. jimbo

      I wasn’t aware that you needed sleep Dave. Sleep is for chumps! Lol.

    2. B

      You must sleep a lot Jimbo

  4. ICA admin

    Jacki 85 Rx
    Marissa 72 (4:06)
    Kelly 94 (6:26
    Jenn 124 (4:29)
    Dan E. 109 (4:52)
    Todd V. 104 (5:03)
    Hoagie 101 Rx
    Buzz 106 (4:49)
    Maggie 122 (85 good mornings)
    Patrick 168 (85 sumo deads)
    Russ 88 (185#)
    Jon 101 (155#)

    Brian 92 (6:50)
    Pugh 100 (5:30)
    Katie N. 134 (7:31)
    Betsy 124 (5:00)
    Rick 76 (2:55)
    Denny 101 (225)
    Tana 120 (75, 16″)
    Mel 92 (7:37)
    Chloe 134 (95)
    Ron 91 (7:27)
    Peggy 116 (95)
    Katie L. 118 (95)
    Jess 161 (95)

    Phil 118 (5:04)
    Hilary 90 (7:06)
    Jimbo 95 (6:39)
    Fili 94 (7:05)
    Scott 86 (4:00)
    Moira 130 (45-55)

    Paul 91 (6:56)
    John 147 (6:06)
    KEB 64 (4:25)
    Mickey 97 Rx
    Stuart 100 (125)
    Anthony 129 (135)
    Alicia 142 (65)

    Nik 118 (4:36)
    Dani 107 (4:55)
    Bob 105 (5:01)
    Kehl 131 (7:29)
    Anna 94 (6:59)
    Kerri 1:32 (95)
    Steve 100 (185)
    Kyle 100 (135)
    Jeremy 93 (185)
    Evan 92 (225)
    Kelly D. 130 (75)
    Fenn 176 (75)
    Whit 89 (135 sumo)

    Awesome scores this morning and even better form. Hats off to Marissa who did her previous 1 rep max 17 TIMES!!! Keep it up.

    1. Sara R.

      Great job Marissa!!!

    2. Erin Burke

      Hold the phone…do I see a Hoagie in the results list? Sneaking in with the Breakfast Club, I see.

      Well done Hoagie!

  5. Dave

    Are the times listed when people either bowed out, or were stopped as per the 2 strike criteria?

    1. Lindsey

      Yeah Marissa!!! Soooo proud of you!!!

  6. Kehl

    The times are tie-breakers. At the end of each couplet, your judge will record the time.

    1. Hoagie

      Haha yeah the 6pm was full and tough for me to make. So I went with the morning crew. It was a lot of fun – considering switching from the 7pm to the 6am (if i can wake up).

  7. Dave

    Excellent. Thank you.

  8. Kehl

    Also, GREAT JOB BREAKFAST CLUB!!! I can’t imagine what these deads feel like after deads, box jumbs, and more deads.

    1. Dan Eichenwald

      Stretch out WELL afterwards! My back tightened up miserably on the drive home.

  9. Pugh

    5 pts to Brendan

  10. Phil

    Great job all! Especially Kelly and Marissa! Wow

    1. Katie N.

      Nice work Marissa!!! 17 times…WOW!

  11. Marissa

    thanks everyone 🙂

    1. Mel

      Nice job Marissa!

    2. Hoagie

      Marissa I take full credit for giving you back the back left corner to warm up. After the double middle fingers during the battle of the bird, I didn’t want to take any chances 🙂

  12. ICA admin

    6:00 Results
    Dave 121 (4:31) RX
    Sidlo 104 (5:37) Rx
    Rey 108 (5:02) Rx
    Garrett 137 (7:10) Rx
    Angie 140 (85/16″) (7:58)
    Tina 140 (65# BS, 16″) (7:59)
    Joanna 143 (95)
    Laurie 96 (6:20) Rx
    Erin 96 (6:37) Rx
    Sara 110 (4:51) Rx
    Pete 126 (5:16) (105)
    Racheal 155 (6:40) (95)
    Jen N. 97 (6:28) Rx
    Jim N. 111 (115)

    Great work, ICA! 🙂

    PS- Yay Marissa!

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