Daily WOD – Jun 4, 2014

Welcome Ken!!
Welcome Ken!!

Complete 4 rounds for time of:

  • 400m run
  • 15 KB swings (70/53#)
  • 3 rope climbs

This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Killa


  2. Paul

    Check out Maggie crushing that Latte!

    1. Rick

      She Rx’d it!! Ha ha ha

  3. Phil

    Todd 20:06 Rx
    Dan E. 18:20 Rx
    Eric 26:29 (tapex1, 200m) 1st Rope Climb!
    Sara R. 23:29 Rx
    Jenn 21:53 (44)

    Hilary 23:24 Rx
    Ron 31:05 Rx
    Brian 21:47 Rx
    Katie L. 24:14 (35# last round)
    Jocelyn 20:43 (35, pull)
    Moira 23:52 (20, tape)
    Jess 22:04 (44, 2 RC)
    Paul 17:20 (53)
    Tana 20:19 (35, toes to post)
    John 17:16 (2 legless/rd to chain)
    Zoo 19:00 (2 legless/rd to beam)

    1. Phil

      Correction on tana: (35, tape/2 pulls)
      Congrats on ur first rope climbs! To the top in no time

  4. Steve

    Everyone in need of a generator, go to homedepot.com and put 6515 into the search field. A $1000 generator is on sale for 10% off. However when you check out the price only shows $274. I bought one just a short time ago. They have to honor the price until the glitch is discovered and fixed. I suggest you do it sonnet rather than later if you need one. Good luck.

    1. Brian

      Thanks for the heads up Steve. I just picked one up and got the 274 price!!

  5. Nikki

    Steve just tried – they already fixed it!

    1. Brian

      Try again. I went back in and it is still working for me. If it doesn’t work let me know and I can try to order one for you

    2. Paul

      Nikki switch your store location, that worked for me

  6. Paul

    Thanks Steve!!

  7. Eric

    Thanks Phil. My calves said I need climbing sox. The group killed it…Dan, Todd, Sara, Jenn and Marisa were phenominal!

  8. Marissa

    sweet, thanks Steve! Father’s Day present – CHECK!

  9. Erin Burke

    Thanks Steve. We got one, too! Now anytime we lose power, we will know that ICA members’ homes will be illuminated. 🙂

  10. Kehl

    Maybe our fundraiser should go to Home Depot to help cover the cost of the people who scammed them. I know, I know…their fault. I’d be all over that too if I had a house. Stickin’ it to the man!

    1. Arthur Blank

      No worries, I got it covered, but thanks for thinking of me Kehl

    2. Kehl

      You must be a NASCAR fan to know the CEO of Home Depot.

    3. Kehl

      …and a Falcons fan.

  11. Dan Eichenwald

    I just got one too! I set my store to West Norriton, store # 4145.

  12. Kathy

    Aww, I can’t get the generator to go less than $850 no matter what store I choose 🙁

    1. Dan Eichenwald

      Kathy, the cheaper price doesn’t show up until you add it to your cart.

  13. Nadine

    We purchased one there at full price after the last ice storm (and 5 days of no power). Congrats to all of you! Now since we all have generators, we probably won’t lose power again.

  14. Kehl


    Peggy 22:58 (35, 2 RC)
    Patrick 26:13 (62)
    Anthony 20:05 (62)
    Kathy 19:53 (26, RCA)
    Heidi 23:09 (RCA)


    Tina 20:53 (26 Russian, 1 RC)
    Sean 19:58 (53, 2x legless beam)
    Tom S. 23:41 (62)
    Tanya 26:15 Rx
    Maggie 22:26 (RCA)
    Sarge 22:55 (row, Russian, 1 RC)
    Robbie 16:49 (2x legless beam)
    Kehl 15:47 (2x legless chain)
    Steve 25:00 (62, 1 RC)
    Bob 24:28 (RC scale)
    Jeannette 24:06 (RCA)
    Jeremy 27:47 (RC scale reps)


    Dave 19:42 Rx
    Mel 23:49 (44, 2 RC)
    Fenn 20:00 (35, RCA)
    Mary Beth aka – Fenn’s Daughter: 15:55 (200m, 18, RCA)
    Anna 🙂
    Pete 24:01 (44, 3 –> 2 RC)
    Fili 22:37 (tape)
    Jimbo 25:03 Rx
    Sajan 18:23 Rx
    Erin 22:26 (44, tape)


    Allen 22:50 (44, 2 RC)
    Laurie 22:15 (35, 2 RC)
    Rachael 22:19 (44)
    Sarah 20:59 (44, tape)
    Joanna 22:57 (44, 3, 2, 1, 1 RC)
    Alicia 23:02 (35, RCA)
    Kim 20:46 (row, 35, RCA)

    Congrats to Fenn for hitting her first RC to tape!!! Also, great job to MB (Fenn’s Daughter) on her first WOD tonight.


    1. Tina

      Great job Fenn. Hope MB enjoyed the class!

  15. Korba

    Reno workout #2. 21-15-9 cleans and hand stand push ups. Sometime over 10 minutes. #115 and an ab mat on a 25 for the HSPU

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