Daily WOD – Apr 11, 2014

Welcome Rob!
Welcome Rob!

5 rounds for time of:

  • 30 double unders
  • 20 deadlifts (155/95#, NTE 40% 1RM)
  • 10 shoulder to overhead (155/95#)

Community Notes:Β  Happy Birthday Scott and Kevin!


This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. Hilary

    Happy birthday, Scott! Happy birthday, Kevin!

  2. Erin Burke

    Happy Scott and Kevin days!!! This is going to be awesome.

  3. Jenn

    Happy birthday, Scott and Kevin!!!

  4. Lindsey

    Happy Birthday Kevin and Scott!!! πŸ™‚

  5. Angie

    Happy birthday, Scott and Kevin! Enjoy your day! (And please don’t be at my WOD…)

  6. Peter

    Happy Birthday Kevin!

  7. Peter

    Happy Birthday Scott!

  8. Kehl

    Happy birthday gentlemen!

  9. Natalie

    Happy Birthday Kevin and Scott!!! πŸ™‚

  10. Buttwink

    Happy Burthday Scott and Kev!

  11. Nikki Knapp

    Happy Birthday Scott and Kevin!

  12. Brendan

    Scott and Duder have a great day!

  13. Sara R.

    Happy Birthday Scott and Kevin!

    On a side note this looks like the most awesome wod ever, so bummed I won’t be able to do it. πŸ™

  14. ICA admin

    Sara I can’t do it either! Let’s make it up together sometime!!! (Nikki)

    1. Sara R.

      Totally! Wish I was in town next Thursday. We will definitely have to re-visit this one. πŸ™‚

  15. ICA admin

    Ernie 24:05 (60 SU, 125)
    Jenn 19:30 Rx+105
    Rob 19:55 (50SU, 135)
    Marissa 23:29 (75)
    Mohyeed 19:21 (8 DUA, 125)
    Hoagie 19:13 (60SU, 135 S2O)
    Jon 21:47 (95)

    Brian 21:16 (155, 45#DB, 3 rds DU, 2 rds SU)
    Rick 21:50 (125)
    Steve 24:14 (135, 3 rds DU, 2 rds 90 SU)
    Zoo 18:19 Rx
    Jocelyn 12:48 (60 SU, 55)
    Tana 9:53 (60 sU, 55)
    Moira 23:08 (35)
    Patrick 15:55 (60 SU, 85)
    Tanya 23:43 (rds 4+5 – 10 du, 50 su)

  16. jimbo

    Happy Birthday Scott and Kevin! Hey Scott, thanks for not showing up at the noon class. No birthday burpees.

    1. Hilary

      Scott, normally I would be sad that you didn’t show up for class at noon, but not so much today! Hope you were busy doing things much more fun than burpees!! πŸ™‚

  17. Dani

    Happy belated birthday John! Happy belated birthday Chris!

    Happy birthday Scott! Happy birthday Kevin!

  18. Phil

    Jimbo 17:34 (135)
    Alicia 19:34 (55, 2XSU)
    Hilary 20:37 (85)

    Sarge 9:28 (75, 3RD)
    Kathy 12:35 (35, 2XSU)
    Jeremy 20:43 (135, 2XSU)
    Peggy 12:25 (45, 15DU)
    Rachael 11:59 (75, 2XSU)
    Paul 17:15 (95 S2O, 145 Deads 4RDS)
    Joel 15:19 (95, 2XSU)
    Tirzah 11:58 (45, 2XSU)
    Anthony 17:47 (110)
    Nadine 12:12 (45, 2XSU)
    KEB 12:24 (50)

    Kelly 15:38 (35 S2O, 45 Deads)
    OMC 16:25 (135)
    Kehl 12:22 (135)
    Nat 19:36 (45 S2O, 65 Deads)
    Kyle 16:42 (95, 2XSU, 3 RDS DU)
    Adam 16:50 (95, 2XSU)
    Chris 14:43 (55,2XSU)

    Happy Birthday Scott and Kev!

    1. Scott

      Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! To the noon class – your welcome:)

  19. Phil

    Dave 15:34 (15dua)
    Dan 16:35 Rx
    Joanna 16:35 (60 SU, 85, 65)
    Pete 15:38 (60 SU, 75)
    Whit 16:40 (60SU, 95)
    Mel 18:09 (75)
    Bob 19:10 (135)
    Erin 14:26 (60 SU, 55, 75)

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