Come in between 4:30 and 7:00 pm for open gym. You can work on anything you like including a workout from the last week:
- Banded deadlift 10×3 then 3x10R/10L reverse lunge to knee drive (45/35#)
- AMRAP in 15 minutes of an ascending ladder by 3’s: handstand push ups, 2xKB swings (53/35#)
- Complete 10-1 of Thrusters (135/95#) and toes to bar
- 8x500m row
- Bench Press 5×5 then EMOM for 5 minutes: 10 bent over rows
- Take 6 minutes to complete: 10 bar muscle ups, 20 deads (225/155#), 50 wallballs, rest 3 minutes then repeat for 3 total rounds.
Schedule Notes: CF Endurance with Kehl at 5:30am, Yoga with Jana at 7:00pm. Come in and get fit!
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CFE @ 5:30am
1200m Run
120 Double Unders
12 Front Squats (155/105)
400m Run
40 Double Unders
4 Front Squats
800m Run
80 Double Unders
8 Front Squats
Tyler 17:00 (2xsu, 95)
Keith 18:25 (2xsu, 95)
Missy 16:xx (2xsu, 105 from rack)
Kelly 18:31 (2xsu, 75 from rack)
Faith 19:40? (row, 1/4 DUs, 65)
KTS 18:08 Rx
Ash 🙂
Caine 🙂
Zach 17:40 (135)
Mike D. 20:21 (135)
Congrats to Faith for getting her first pull-up!!!!
Great turnout, CFE, nice work!
And, FAITH!!!!! Congratulations!!
Not only did she get 1…she went on to get 2 or 3 more after class!!!