Join us between 4:30 and 7:30pm to make up a workout you missed during the past week! Your choices are:
- Squat clean 3-3-3-3-3 then 100 slam ball (20/14#) for time
- In four 7-minute rounds complete: 3 x 800m run, 1 x 400m sled drag (20% 1RM deadlift). After you finish each task, rest for the remainder of the 7 minutes.
- 6-5-4-3-2-1 bear comples (115/75#) and muscle ups. (Sub 1 burpee and 1 seated transition for each muscle up)
- Back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then tabata goblet squat (53/35#) and tabata sit ups
- For time: 400m run, 100 DU, 400m run, 75 box jumps (24/20″), 400m run, 50 pull ups, 400m run, 25 overhead squats (65/45#, NTE 50% 1RM)
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Tonight’s results:
WOD 1:
Kevin 215
WOD 2:
Laurie 3:46 / 3:47 / 3:55 / 4:26 (40#)
Tiana 4:19 / 4:47 / 6:07 / 6:56 (75#)
Mario 4:02 (40lb vest) / 3:13 / 4:29 (40lb vest) / 5:20 (90)
Nick 3:48 (60) / 3:29 / 3:24 / 3:21
WOD 3:
Craig 12:45 (Rx)
Zak 12:30 (65#, PU + red)
WOD 4:
Colin 265
Mario 23:23 (45#)
Sam 16:58 (45#)
Peggy 24:46 (15#, 200 SU, 16″, P)
Jess 24:21 (30#, 200 SU, 16″, P)
Mike S 22:17 (200SU)
Wod3 – 10:10. That was a kick in the butt…
John you must have been FLYING on that one! Guess that new ball and chain wasn’t holding you back! Hehehe… just kidding, Nik!
Shout out to Sam stringing all 50 pull ups in wod 5. That was fun to watch, man.
I hate that kid.
50 straight pull ups were impressive to watch. Nice job Sam!