Make Up Day – Apr 19, 2012

Kev and Killa's challenge - 30 wall balls for time at 24/20# to 10'!

Come in between 4:30 and 7:30 to make up one of the last week’s workouts.  This week’s choices are:

  1. Back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 then 30 weighted box jumps not for time
  2. Tabata double unders, row, push press (65/45#), KB swing (53/35#)
  3. Team WOD, see Apr 17 for details.
  4. Isa-grace: 30 snatches, 30 clean and jerks for time (135/95#)
  5. 8×1 rack pulls @90% of 1rm deadlift then 5 rounds for time of 10 pushups, 20 double unders

Notes:  Barbell class will run tonight from 6:30 to 7:30, pick up heavy stuff.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Mark

    I beat Lindsey.

  2. Killa

    Hahhahahhaa BEST post ever!!!

  3. Lindsey

    hahaha- that you did Mark!!! haha but only by 4 mins!

  4. Kevin

    I see this turning into a thing. Tonight, we’ll see a post by Lindsey that says, “FIRST!”.

  5. Emily Croce

    Lol! What’s everyone picking for tonight? I’m in for 4:30

  6. Kim

    I think I’m doing the Isa-Grace, but I won’t be there until about 5:15-5:30.

  7. Nikki

    If anyone likes the look of the team workout (rowing, rope climbs, wall balls, KB snatches, thrusters, and box jumps) it can easily be done as a team of 2-4, and can even be modified for a “team” of 1.

  8. Joe

    I was going to do the tabatas, but would also be up for the partner wod depending on what other people are doing.

  9. Kim

    I would do the team workout if anyone else was getting there around 5:30.

  10. MIke K

    I should be there around 5:30. Im up for the team WOD as well.

  11. tanner

    I’m down foe the team wod. Ill be in 430

  12. Nikki

    Make Up Results:

    Rack pulls, pu/du metcon:
    Mike S. 385, 5:21 (5 du)
    Morgan 135, 6:20 (knees/10 du)

    Partner WOD:
    Craig and Tanner 29:22 (100 reps)
    Mike K.18:12 (1/4 reps)

    Back Squat/ Box jump:
    Scott 275/ 25s to 20″

    Emily 322 (Row/squat/pushup/situp)
    Joe ?

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